Show economical METHOD OF PRODUCING PORK hogs on pasture build up fertility of land and greatly reduce cost of feed experiments conducted for several by the pennsylvania state college show that pasturing hogs la Is an economical method of pork production in case a permanent pasture of alfalfa red clover or sweet clover la is not available temporary crops may be sown such crops are sown in rotation to insure a supply of green food throughout the growing season As soon as the ground can be nicely worked a tract may bo be sown to oats and canada field peas at the rate of one halt half bushel of each crop per acre about three weeks later a second tract may be sown to rope rape and oats in the proportion of five pounds of rape or two bu bushels hels of oats per acre when the oats oata and peas have become exhausted the tract la is sown to rape at the rate of eight to ten pounds of seed for a full acre this plan may be used on a large scale according to the lund land available and tho the number of pigs raised hogs on pasture build up the fertility of the land and the cost of producing pounds of pork la is reduced from to fa 2 per pounds hogs on pasture also are not so liable to be troubled with intestinal worms and are usually in a thrifty condition some grain Is fed in addition to the forage it if such a method Is 13 used the pigs will 1 I make a much better growth and the COO cheap cheapened eneo |