Show TEACHERS OF COUNTY list of teachers for the schools of duchesne county s school hool year of 1916 7 duchesne high school J F rank frank day A B principal history and social science florence adelaide cirkel A B english charles A B general science ceo lucretia miles evans A B B S mathematics william J starley B S agriculture and animal husbandry mildred A M dillman B S domestic sciences and art E carl frisbie music and man ual training roosevelt public schools i marian E kyle A B principal nora D workman clara A cirkel elsie collett della delia lambert and gladys graham assistants si myton public c schools thom thomis thomas is F r 1 cope principal helen R stevens clara S williams and mary hardy assistants duchesne public schools G J greaves principal florence B madsen grace marrott afton pope and della delia spratt assistants si altonah alzonah pubic rub c schools luke clegg principal thora thom J timothy mary hartley harak y aileen whittaker aati mabel alabel thayn assistants as mt lit home public nis ints fred W principal valdez thompson leon leam vw pud nora ji ibsen en assistants acola public schools hugh barnes principal lillian li n oleen assistant cedarview Ced arview public schools parley L holman principal E ethel th 1 11 hartwell a e 11 as assistant S 1 nt bluebell public schools anna daton winkler principal p 1 mary J case ass assistant stant mt emmons public schools anna R salmon principal eya lewis assistant doneta public schools wi william 11 iam 11 reese principal margaret peterson assistant utahn public schools marie lambert principal irene ash assistant tabby public schools U 0 cosce principal louise erickson assistant crescent ina gardner alexander harper mrs ray lee antelope glen crandall IvI mcaffee cAffee rowena lewis palmer jennie C tuttle cataract effle effie jacobs east fruitland froitland Fruit land J peter naab TILI mesa woodbine abbie tice Stock more emma Mona monarch reb eugene C hamiton hamilton principal viola harmston aasi assistant stant basin marie dawson hartford robt 11 II C marchant red cap joseph H moore loka ioka ralph hayward Lake fork earl farnsworth strawberry robert A dean Mea dowdell west fruitland froitland Fruit land jesse bards farm creek mildred jones Mid Alid view thornton richardson high school commenced monday septem september ber 11 and will last nine months graded schools will commence monday october 9 and last seven months |