Show the dog in the manger always acts as though he had the rp rabies bics NOTICE state of utah in the city of roosevelt county of duchesne Duches nc I 1 have in my possession the following described astray animals which if no not L claimed and taken akan away will be sold at pubic auction to the highest cash bidder at the city pound in the city of roosevelt utah on the ast 1st day of march 1917 at the hour lour of 0 one light bay black mane and tail brand lazy B U on left thigh white star in forehead coming 12 years old reached mare 6 one light bay black mane and tail brand F on left shoulder white left fore foot white strip in face coming 3 year old said estraya were taken up by y me in this city on the alth dy d y of february 1917 C J ELMER city roosevelt utah 26 at SUMMONS IN N TIIE THE JUSTICES COURT IN AND roil FOR IONA IOKA PRECINCT DU ClIES Nr COUNTY STATE OF 01 UTAH before mclvin J benson esi jlii tice of the peace consolidated baan machine company a corporation plaintiff vs il john carnell T the he state of utah to the said defendant fen dant you are her hereby eliy summoned to appear before the above entitled court within ten days after the service of 0 this summons upon you it if served within the county in which this action is brought otherwise wither wi thir twenty days after this ser vl and defend the above entitled action brought against you to recover a judgment for the suna sum of sa 0 principal and interest costs 1 and attorneys fees on two writt ef ert contracts and in case c ot if your failure to do s so 0 Jud judgment gUient will be fi rendered against you according to ti amand of the complaint a copy of which is herewith served upon you yoli given under ray my haild this ad day of F february elor uary 1917 MELVIN J L LENSON HENSON 2631 26 31 bustio of the peace NOTICE FOR publication department of oc the interior U S land ofel 0 at af vernal utah january 27 1917 kotite is is hereby given that georgy george i potter of roosevelt utah who on april aaril 22 1910 made Hom homestead estea ln entry ry serial no 2763 tor for 3 S sei E see sec 3 31 1 tp 1 S lot 1 and SE NE NEU 14 section 6 township 2 south range 1 east bast uinta special merld ian fan has bas filed notice of intention to make five year proof to establish claim to tile the land laid above described before the register and receiver of the tha U S land Off office lice at V vernal ernal utah on tile the day of march 1917 claimant names as witnesses william U G adams of bennett utah james mcdermand McD ermald of F fort ort duchesne utah W J locks of bennett utah william T timothy of dannett bennett utah PETER HANSON register feb T 7 march 7 von FOR publication department of thie the 1 bior U S land office at Verli venial il utah jan 27 1917 1517 notice is hereby given that hat J william workman of neola utah who on february 19 1908 made Homes homestead toad entry no 2225 UIS serial no tor for SE sea seii an and SWA SE 11 section 28 township 1 north range 1 west uinta special meridian has filed notice of intention to make inake div five year year proof to establish claim I 1 to the land above described before regis register t er a and n d receiver IT 11 S laud land oriece at vernal utah on oil ch day of march 1917 claimant names as witnesses isaal isaac N workman of neola utah wilmer P Burgess oi oc hayd hayden en utah joseph F oi 0 t laton laston utah it alma G An anderaon derbon on of vimal varnal utah PETER HANSON re Its gister gister feb 71 7 march 7 freighters all the Gi lonte yo you can haul at CASTLE paak MINE no waiting for loads cash at price 1000 per t ton on uintah asphalt mining coin co J G partridge 6 representative I 1 me man who THE ROBINSON tomey in a cr criminal his 6 FOLDING BATH TUB fool tor for a client cent well skilled he is ei will make your 11 home ome modern as self defense ill te k far as the convenience of bathing is concer tied without the expense I 1 NOTICE TO WA TIlt of building a roam fur or that purpose state engineers 0 free poseur or for plumbing cit cuy yo utah januar salt 8 the tub will cost 10 with a notice is hereby ten year gold bond guarantee dry gulch irrigation given cc 10 against any defect in manufacture past office abc address I 1 reas corn dank workmanship call or write Is R I 1 or utah has made applied C ilance Ioor eilt marc corrance cor dance with tile the require ii tile the compiled laws ot or utah amended by tile the se session slon i 14 i 1 utah 1309 1009 loll 1011 il and 19 it timothy bardwall Har dwall co per second late six from rom 6 an all cubic feet of a I 1 HI it I 1 of dry gulch duchesne Duch esce cot couma said water will be diverted are you about ready to do that which bears baars north 83 degree degreed de greel it at utes stat i plastering if so call and tea see us reel feek from the east corner of the noyl northeast heal we have some boins excellent gypsum er of section 28 township 3 2 which we are selling at per I 1 west base biscay gridlan and conveyed by ayin niena 1 ton at the bin or 0 1350 delivered ditch for a distance of alia sl v there used from at roosevelt april 1 to 0 o st ber 30 inclusive of tact irrigate acres of land 01 tn in the southeast quarter sw east halt and northie north nort hwe wes cm section 35 towns township hip and range said this application 1 is fi I 1 in ih the state engineers I 1 office FOR YOU a all protests protes tz against the grants grinfe said application stating vue t aery must ie be made by will sell some par partly 1 I y developed in cIn duplicate plicate accompanied by laii a t farms of each with and filed in tills this office officer 99 30 0 thirty days after t the he ft r water right as follows tion of the publication of ottalie this 1 W D BEERS state fak 10 date of first publication iz he ta purchaser to hive have cr 1 17 1917 date of completion tad a c five years to make li cation february 16 1917 jr at first payment at 6 per ra V ATM ATER rsm cent interest state engineer s office siiri ty I 1 city utah january ii 19 1917 for particulars see notice is hereby liven given tat I 1 miles allies whose post office ad dreg rt J pa M RUSSEL roosevelt utah has bas made ay E it ta ton lon in accordance with the ay re ft roosevelt wall utah morts of the Lanso fc it 1 I 1907 as amended by the sm sa fc laws of utah laii 1911 1911 anda if NOT ICIl ia i publication to appropriate tour four 4 cuble fco of tile Inter interior for U S water ver ier i er second from rom dry GL ci land at vernal venial utah january jannary duchesne county utah 27 1917 will be diverted at a point 1 i notice to la hereby given that raymond paymond bears north 4 degrees east Th eming of bluebell utah the southeast corua olt of who on april 22 1910 raade made home southwest of stead entry serial no 2 1 for I 1 township 2 south range pargo I 1 vt SIS si SV swit see sec 2 nei 1 L nei 1 sec uintah base and meridian merl dlin bac sal 10 aud and alv N V NV 4 section 11 seyed by means of ft dittli if township 2 south range 3 1 west vest 1 I 1 distance of feet and berar uinta linta S special echal Me meridian lias has hied filed no tt irom january 1 to cc of intention inton tion to make li sive of each year to irrigate irrig ili tion proof to establish est estai ailish lish claici to tho the acres of land embraced la in iu land above described before edward V half K of section 28 tos lil mackie U S commissioner at du f licari caLro range aforesaid this avih api 1 creane cr esne utah on tile the ath day of 1 designated designate I in the state stale en march 1917 IS 17 1 onice as no claimant names acs ics as witnesses all 11 protests against the gar s goorge oc orge indy christopher C application stating bristol james W powell ale alexander aleander ander be made W I 1 ons ns the theredo refo must q al 11 all ni i ii ati i murray hurray of bluebell utah accompanist t davit in ill duplicate PETER HANSON register a fee of 0 and filed la in ass M 1 L jan 31 01 feb 28 fuz flee fice within thirty 30 days completion of the publication of kon publication notice department of tile the interior U S W V D BEERS stafi staf EDO land office at ver vernal ital utah january jannary date of first oa 11 27 1917 24 1917 date of comple e iio dir I 1 notice is hereby oyen giyen that barbara cation li ii february 23 3 1917 E smithson bercrombie Am er f neola utah who on oil february ath t 1908 raade made homestead entry no lins FOR FOI 2206 UIS serial no for sei sec 28 E NW ana permits notice to Is hereby given that NAVY section qa 33 township I 1 north range 1 west uinta tor for permits to grated gra cal meridian notice of in tle tie horses and sheep within 11 I 1 to mako corn commutation mutation proof ley national forest clurin diringis di ringi 1 00 I 1 to establish claim to the land above soil so ot of 1917 must be filed cileli in 1 ll 11 t described before the register and flee fice at verni vernal on oil or t J receiver U S land office at ver february 20 1917 full J nal utah on oil the ath day of Al march areli tion in regard S to the g ra I 1 TI 7 to be charged and blank blaak forrise 1 t tela claimant imant names cis as witnesses used in i making lal tinS I 1 wilner burgess of hayden utah furnished hed up upon on request t eastus petersen of hayden ayden II utah derson supervisor isaac r N workman of neola utah james C peterson of hayden ayden II utah PETER HANSON register sheriffs sale ih jan 31 feb 23 under W execution NOTICE FOR FOK publication f department of the interior U S in the district court of the land office at vernal utah february judicial district it in w and for 14 1917 chesne county state a of V notice is hereby given that lars plaintiff sarah A rust jensen jr ot of cedarview Ced arview utah who on august lo 10 1915 made homestead vs t eiery serial no for lot 4 orion A rust defendent Delen dent section 1 township 2 south range to ro be sold at sheriffs salco 2 west uinta special meridian has esth day ol of I 1 march farch D 1917 at the i lilon filed notice of intention to make commutation house in in dla door of the court proof to establish claim to at the land above described before county state of utah t reg ids C ister and receiver U S land office ice p ra 9 the following at vernal utah on tile die day of property march 1917 the SW SV quarter of the aly W pi claimant biant names as witnesses of section 4 tow township ahil 2 S I 1 1 prank frank timothy of cedarview Cod Ced arview N V U S M containing ba utah thomas roberts of cedarev cedarview Ced arview few block 4 id as also lot 4 acres utah L L 1 farnsworth of ce cedar dar townsite itel view block 7 talmage towns utah lewis hoarle of roosevelt utah duchesne Duche sae county utah ched PETER HANSON register REUBE WILKINS S goeb eb 2 21 1 march 21 25 st 3 t |