Show BUY AT 1101 wa met I 1 goad ad farmer recent who was going to send off for foi spring pring tooth harrow li arrow and think g that possibly lie he had not jonz gors to jo the matter we went to tile the local implement house ld it was as a pleasant surprise tz ta scover the following facts sears roebuck catalog eitalo of their jm inn in ants sen sent t out as a n t to ma many ny of the farms recently shows their spring both oth harrow on page 15 1948 qt A T kansas ai Is a s city weight I 1 we took the local spring kith io ih horrow harrow 17 tooth and i und kind tile the following weight 95 p pounds ands with riding attach icat or pounds without rid cash price figuring lk if attachment U 6 ling par ar cwt cat fram the 3 in the mail ord r r supplement made ne necessary essar y th the high cost of supplies we hipke ipp f C we find a 17 tooth harow w listed at 1948 1943 at kan kansas sas sty ty making a cost of ser cr pc pou md lid adding so 80 pounds t tatt rate to bring the bar har hari i ov u to the local dealers goods ye ve in must st add freight rom ram ahn th factory to price sup sinz the harrow to we weigh agh V or the same fame as the local ands wo we add freight F from om pric at et add id 1 4 7 ra 0 o make the harrow teeth at all adval to the local article we must dd 12 or a cotil tot 1 l addition of faiq H 19 bringing the total cost f the mail order 17 tooth spring i arr arow L w riding attach nert if it was the s samo 1 is ig tt ir 1 cj do dealers aers harrow or din crenca of 20 03 in favor of w ard the pur haser haer mur mii t set ur un the good tom com the mill mail order house and 1 p if nent pay lb ho mon y ord 7 and bi be deprived deprive I of the use f T I 1 he be ni int ney ey tho the goods are einig sent local fie mint of harment hir ment if anything any thins wr wron rr y ho he cant go in and got get h cas c ex ras as or make complaint arson olly but mast trust to th wil ecsi ng time ond norey altre qi ro is no agent callin i r iund at the farm who n IM k 1211 wi 14 of fy y t 1 or lack I 1 und ra and nr of the opera loll ion cf tho ohp gibis g ls pud the tha pur b hopr ser pant cant in gnp ct the goods he lie buys them if some dinall aari rari art is q lost ivl while the goods ue re in transit ilic iho customer will as dav ly not nol know exactly what s missing mip sing sud and it if some part bs b broken in shir shipment rilent is not net unusual he ha will virtually lly be out the use of the hg ow durin one season it ib wi will ie e seen therefore that thing hing is in favor of buying goods it home from the laople who pv pay I 1 taxes t axes and salaries an and help kuppart and build up your community and the uintah basin ve dont believe acre is any hing in favor of buying bryin a from the he mail order house |