Show HE CATCHES BIRDS AT barber on ocean liner uses whistling brown linnet most successfully as a decoy the barber of the atlantic liner Minne minnetonka tonka finds a new and profitable pastime in catching wandering birds during the vessels voyage across the ocean his profit arising from rom the selling belling of the birds on his arrival in port all sorts of birds come on board he says and he finds a ready sale to tor many 0 of the rarer specimens his chief assistant in capturing the birds la Is a whistling brown linnet which lures the wanderers aboard irom from its cage caga in an open port the tha vagrant flyers alight on ark hearing its whistle and presently flutter inside then the port Is closed and the strange birds are soon made prisoners 1 I have caught hundreds ot of them and I 1 supply the london zoo regularly said the bird catcher on a recent homeward voyage the linnet lured a snowbird it was the first one the zoo had been able to secure in 16 years what the birds require when they first alight on a ship Is not food but water and it must be boiled gulls follow a ship all the way across the atlantic american gulls gull are regular convoys as fat far as the english channel where thy they desert us and follow a westward bounder home again the english gulls follow a liner over and back in the same way the gulls like emigrant ships best because the more passengers there art are the greater the quantity of scraps thrown overboard |