Show work weakens the kidneys many occupations weaken the kidneys cadging aching backs urinary disorders end and a dull drowsy discouraged feeling feell ni work exposing on one to chilli damli dampH PA ft work la in cramped or r sudden changes trillions work vork am amid d th alio a fames limes of V constant riding on jolting vehicles a a la Is especially hard on the k kidneys ineys taken in time kidney trouble hard to stop neglected elected ne it la is dangerous As a kidney toute tonic there Is ia no other medicine 0 so eo well veil recommended so widely used an and d so BO universally successful oa as doans kid day cey puls pills A utah case W W robins 0 a first FI aaa R a t and S second econ 4 N north orth S sit la american F fork a r k utah ay iy r for or I 1 had a constant conj cant pat n I 1 in the small mall of 0 DID my Y bade back and the least thov thet that brought any train on my back road made the pain worse wor A druggist recommended kidney fills and I 1 got a box by the time I 1 had ha finished the contents content I 1 noticed art an improvement ani the tae second box cured me I 1 take doans doana kidney pills pill off and on now cow and they give one results 0 get gat doses doaa at any store stor coa a box MID 0 1 DOANS MILBURN CO BUFFALO N M Y T prevention better beitter than cure tutis puia pills if taken in lintlom time are not only a remedy for but will prevent SICK HEADACHE biliousness constipation and kindred diseases tuffs tuff s pills LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED TEt BLACK by br cutter cotters Blaek to pills turn ro f reliable roUk ble preferred bi 1 beca they pro ro teet lct where ether vl am nes I 1 fill write for booklet and nd testimonials LEG 10 dou dois ase ploll EO dou daw aikle blike Bli Blae klep kl P ploll 4 0 0 use any injector but cuttles bib best the superiority of cutter products prod act is IB d du us to over aa U run caare of specializing in and ua only insist on en cutters Cutter ft if unobtainable order direct TH THE E CUTTER laboratory LABO KATORY beri Br tl visy opportunity so make d esta mono blIZ permanent bual nets walto boalch ani eci doutin sur survinie vince and be independent all or part time adore Vat nasonal lonal casualty company Oom pany detroit t 1000 A DAY BAY EASY sell bell our beautiful art picture in oak mat framba no lo pg or experience required dont miss this op opportunity y to make money sample csc globe art art rub publishers lishers mammoth utah T EYE QUICK TROUBLES relief W N U salt lake city no 38 1914 for years we have been stating in the newspapers of tho the country that a great many women have escaped serious operations erat crat ions ions by taking lydia E F Pink hams vegetable compound and it is true we are permitted to publish in this announcement extracts from the letters of five women all have been recently received unsolicited could any evidence bo be more convincing Is IHo DODON ME 1 I had pains in both sides and such a sore soreness nessi I 1 could scarcely straighten up at times my lily back ached and I 1 was so nervous I 1 could not sleep and I 1 thought I 1 never would bo be any better until I 1 submitted to an open operation tion but I 1 commenced taking lydia ldla E Pink bams hams vegetable compound and boon felt like a now new bomani woman mrs me 2 CHARLOTTE N C 1 I 1 was M in bad health for two years with pains in both sides ai was very nervous I 1 had a growth which the doctor said way was a tumor and I 1 never would get well unless I 1 had an operation A friend advised me to take lydia E pink hams vegetable vee stable compound and I 1 gladly say that I 1 am now enjoying line fine health mrs ROSA SIMS ag winona linona st charlotte N C 3 PA the doctor advised a severe operation but my husband got me lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound and I 1 I 1 exi experienced erien ced great relief in a short time now I 1 feel like a new neale person aso n and can do a hard days work and not mind if mrs ADA WELT VY ailt stock st hanover pa 4 P CA ILL 1 I was sick in bed and three of the best cia ceans ns said I 1 w would have to bo be taken to the hospital for an operation as I 1 had something growing in my left side I 1 refused to submit to the operation and took lydia E finkhaus Pink Fink hams vegetable compound and it worked a miracle in my case and I 1 tell other women what it has done for me mc mrs A AL dRIS WOLD 2300 blk fast william street decatur ILL 5 CLEVELAND AND ORIO I was ve very ry irregular and for several years my side pained me so that I 1 expected to have to undergo an operation era tion doctors said they knew of nothing that would help me I 1 took lydia E Pink hams vegetable G compound and I 1 became regular and free from pain I 1 am thankful for such a good medicine and will always give it the highest praises praise mrs C il II GRIMM inifi ian madison av cleveland 0 write to LYDIA MEDICINE CO gi confidential LYNN MASS for advice your letter will be opened read and answered 4 by a woman and held bield in strict conf confidence idenie SKIN TROUBLE ON LIMBS moclips wash my aly trouble first started on my arms alms and soon it ex es tended tendal to my body and legs the first I 1 nott noticed led ot of it was red spots itching spots some larger than a pin head my clothing irritated irritate d them and I 1 scratched my sleep was disturbed by the clothes scratching it had bothered me tor for about ten days and I 1 began to use the Cuti cura soap and ointment I 1 only purchased one cake of 0 Cuti cura soap and one box of Cuti cura ointment and they effected a cure signed sid strawn may 19 1914 Cuti cura soap and olat ointment ment sold throughout the world sample of each freewith free wita 32 p skin book address post sard Cuti cura dept L boston adv an engagement may not be as good BS as marriage from some points of view but it is a great deal better from some others men alen dont understand women says a pessimist it if they did the women would have to do all the chasing 11 important to mothers examine carefully care lully every bottle ot off CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy tor for infants and children and see ail that ai it dears the signs signature ture of r 1 in use for over 30 years rs children cry for fletchers fletcherr Flet chers Cast castoria orld cooped why Is he looking so carefree care free has his wife gone to the country detter better than that ashes in switzerland ze your OWN WILY TELL TELE YOU TOP try rry eye byo komrady ito nardy tor for atod weak watery boyes and no auhl byo comfort mft write tor for book of 0 the n by bf art mull mail arm marine ajro dy e remedy ov co chicago the girl who Is as pretty as a plo ture should nev rallow herself to got iu in an ugly frame of mind 12 16 AN AND D 2 20 0 GAUGE H am merless repeating shotguns T the h e model 1912 winchester is the lightest strongest and ha handsomest r repeating shotgun on the market although light in weight it has great strength because its ts metal p parts throughout are made of nickel steel I 1 it is sa a two part takedown take down without loose parts is simple to ope operate rt a and the action works with an eise ease and smoothness u unknown n k n n i in n guns of other makes see one at your dealers or 07 stud send to tor winchester Winch oster Repe repeating atine arms co new hew haven conno cam for far circular TBS NICKED T FLUMES METAL mr ditch owner CULVERTS PIPE at your are making a mistake hess products always give iv if you install a flume or pipe satisfaction send for catalog without at least allowing us flume head gates i on pipe to show you how m inexpensive expensive lind and tow now permanent are measuring devices and hess metal flumes blumes 0 ther other hydraulic supplies the JL he hess flume co 2182 IU STREET DENVER COLORADO METERS volve bole idaho sit salt lake city DITCH SATES BATES Branche Dra ULUeS sUta aubi grond junction colo WEIRS |