Show g THE RELIABLE DRUG STORE the best fine ene of drugs to be bought on the market prescriptions a specialty notions fine chinaware cigars and tobacco I 1 V I 1 the finest and best line of jewelry in the basial basin M E proprietor roosevelt utah 27 I 1 cash meat market I 1 FRESH AND CURED MEATS 1 A complete lin line e of groceries A choice line of fruits always on hand BELLON HANCOCK proprietors LADIES DC CORDIA LLLY I 1 INVITED to call and inspect our dry goods department we have one of the most complete lines that has ever been shown in the basin just received I 1 our spring line of ladies underwear which is the best that can be bought at a very reasonable price dont forget our hosiery department we have hosiery for men women and children in the famous topsy brand quality shows in topsy hosiery THE BUSY STORE BRACKEN mercantile COMPANY i roosevelt velt utah JUST ARRIVED A big shipments of hats women s hats misses hats boy s hats children s hats THE FAMOUS RIVAL HAT FOR MEN Every everybody bodis s jealous of a rival seeds seeds seeds seed plant the kind that grow 6 packages for 10 cents 5 f v plenty in in bulk f A full lilii of ladles misses men s boys and childrens shoes shoe Z C M 1 I gatlain and peters brands cash MY T HING GOING CHEAP FOR cash roosevelt oft mercantile company WHEN YOU BUY A f you are sure to get the best on the market studebaker goods are guaranteed W H GAGON co local agents 0 0 0 w V 0 0 0 al why not advertise in the he STANDARD its a business proposition that every man should look into if you have something to buy or sell come around and we will talk it over with you judicious advertising always pays give Us A trial hal V this office prints nice we are equips stationery and does do all kinds of hi if you are looking for a new location locati come to roosevelt Roo gevelt it as reasonable as ana an plenty of good land to be bought cheap it wh be bills posters and 2nd icar printing office in the the best beat investment you ever made dow signs why i basin give us a i let us make them t k trial we know we you our pries E can please you reasonable L 04 04 0 0 S saw vi the th e roosevelt goosev e standard ISSUED EVERY MONDAY PER YEAR IN ADVANCE fw f w P 1 an independent newspaper t r VV if you have something the cosevelt oo sevelt tH ay you want to sell advertise is is wor k 10 9 for or it in the standard if iare are you yo ug ga oia 9 to hy you want to know what is going on you yon must MIDA want column costs it II so read the Roo roosevelt tevelt standard it publishes real US loc per line first subset amft news just the stuff you like t to read reada and sc per line each subsequent will be the alt b 11 1 I 1 time cimei ever ment femyo you i I 1 ral i WC |