Show esaa ATTENTION FARMERS plenty of 1 formaldehyde and blue stone 7 at the ROOSEVELT DRUG CO A DOLLAR what Is it 1 I worked hard yesterday and earned a dollar I 1 might have spent it in a minute but I 1 did not the dollar is my yesterday I 1 may spend it and start tomorrow tomorio w bankrupt I 1 may ma y save and tomorrow not work at all because my yesterday s dollar will pay pa for the service of another who may do the work better than myself A dollar is really a part of a mans life andas and as he guards his health to take care of the future so should he guard his dollars to secure the full service of the J i past we pay four per cent interest on time deposits may we have the pleasure of counting you among our many customers ROOSEVELT BANKING COM COMPANY roosevelt utah HOMER P EDWARDS cashier C W M cos CO the largest deaerts in farm machinery wagons buggies es harness and hardware in the basin II if you need anything g ia our line give us a call easy terms say we have a choice lot of saddles and harness if you au need anything in that line come and look ours over our ur prices are right hy toppenish Top nursery companas Comp anys agents have appointed the following deliverymen to receive your trees in these various districts come for your stock on day of receiving notice prepare the place now fort duchesne Due heane J walker Rooi roosevelt rosievelt evelt F fred red motter BIk Blia tbell liell L hancha boneta WA W A johnson CASH ON DELIVERY FRED iVI MOTTER OTTER general agent BURGESS attorney at law FARM BARGAINS ROOSEVELT ROOSE VELT UTAH no 67 80 90 acres all farm land RAY E DILLMAN 20 foot soil no alkali or seep partly attorney at law cultivated and improved water my price 2000 your own terms ROOSEVELT UTAH like to rent it if desired no sa 40 acres all good farm IV J BROWNING land government water right well located lt erab I 1 physician and surgeon i no 68 40 acks baeth myton ROOSEVELT UTAH bench improved and aler right my price 14 terras tem s J P MARKEY no 6 best in basini basic full fall BARBER SHOP water and every foot good partly bath ath tubs why be dirty when improved S per acre 1 12 1 2 you can keep clean miles of roosevelt 4 all ROOSEVELT UTAH y one of the best e s ojill and orace buildings in the tf iasin 8 rooms CHAS WALLACE well located calaor particulars i general blacksmith no 40 40 acres one mile lake Horse shoeing a specialty fork to town wn site fuli full water our 4 ROOSEVELT UTAH price I 1 G B KELLEY the above abo v e are only a sample of contractor and builder the many bargains I 1 am offering all work guaranteed I 1 will loan you the money to buy ROOSEVELT UTAH my farms arms bause bausell 1 jl I handle only the SNAPS yf P harmston amston craig harmston Harm stor u 6 mm min surer co suran RAILWAY RAIL WAYFARE FARE RETURNED ED p HARMSTON text n rutlt and learn SON KUIM call at office L I 1 irrigation engineers particulars ROOSEVELT UTAH elijiah BASIN HOSPITAL FRED MOTT MOTTER ER r J E morton supt bupt roosevelt utah ROOSEVELT AtOO SEVELT UTAH 1 1 I have a home in the 0 uintah basin for you YOL III M L BEERS j j jeweler house cleaning time is approaching 1 watch repairing pro aching and pk that means beating poosevelt UTAH carpets and rugs ye do good printing because it pays the standard h mr farmer dont work barehanded bare handed when will buy a bran new pair of indian tan buckshin harvey glo gloves cs 14 G A iwa roosevelt utah 0 0 0 AAA 0 0 4 4 6 alm 1410 1 1 1 A 2500 H hornless 16 talking machine for 4 t 4 this is a regular large size talking machine like you see widely advertised in in newspapers and magazines for 25 you get one at our store for only think of it ii the manufacturers of this machine want 6 to rente reate a demand for their brand of records ONE RECORD FREE WITH EACH MACHINE 4 4 FURNITURE I 1 side boards dressers combination book cases and writing 4 desks dining tables chairs rockers couches mirron mirrors r pictures beds springs mattresses quilts and a complete line n e of blankets 4 11 A complete line of caskets 20 and undertaking supplies 5 at A BIRCH FURNITURE coll CO ft vw v w 4 icv 64 6 4 s 0 O tv luw LOTS T fahs ranches and business locations iii iT j we bryand sell both town property properly and farm lands f j roosevelt realty 0 co o ernest H burgess sec y ROOSEVELT UTAH p te lumber I 1 A at the timothy sawmill is plentiful all kind selu I 1 itcek we are sawing every day the machinery mach fias been thoroughly overhauled and we are now able to turn out first class work 10 0 o timothy sawmill A the he elan ian I an r tiu R eara 4 1 1 every tuesday thursday and saturday nights I 1 trey 0 o hearts every thursday thurida Y ni gat ea PK jak 0 NIGHTS monday and wednesday wednesday lightf of married veople people MATINEES wednesday afternoon for children friday afternoon borall I 1 shumway prince worthen proprietors SHURTLEFF 1 HOTEL H L N U nice clean beds arid and splendid meals t MRS CHAS SHURTLEFF proprietress tress ROOSEVELT ic UTA UTAH R t i yi 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