Show announcement the standard will if desired publish under i special ecial heading the announcements of any candidates for political office in the county and state in the coming campaign rates for this publicity will be the same as that charged regular advertisers in order to be impartial we invite all part parties I 1 es to use these columns res ervina the right to re jest improper criticism or unfair ail comment the standard standard wishes to be the avenue thru which all may be heard in fair political competition any candidate for office wishing an announcement published in the standard may have the same appear each week until the conventions are held articles delineating the fitness of the candidate for the particular office will be published at the rate of 10 cents per line when the tic tickets bets are made up we shall charge for each announcement the flie standard is independent politically and will not of its own initiative inita tive take up the particular work of any one party more than another not being operated for the advancement of any man or pr set of men but being conducted on a strictly business basis the standard opens its columns to all for cash our space is for sale at a fair price and under rules that should govern all clean independent newspapers |