Show THE PLANNING MILL another needed enterprise inter prise that has been added to roose belts list since the last issue james johnstun has his planning in f mill running at the head of main street and they are working out the finished product of lumber in great shape mr johnstun understands the business and has all the machinery on the ground to do all kinds of fine mill work such as ceiling flooring aidin siding 91 bee fixtures and fruit casas cases in fact he has machinery to saw down to quarter inch stuff he experienced a lot of trouble in getting the power to run his machinery and after trying one thing after another he finally landed on the engine of an automobile which is doing very satisfactory work A planning mill is what has been needed for a long time and now roosevelt people can boast of a real planning mill A mill that will turn out good stuff wil have all the work they can do and you can just bet that mr johnstun has the plant plan fand and good and nd efficient help to place the proposition on a paying basis |