Show MYTON LOCALS chas reed was down from the south auth myton ditch camp thurs day j jose rich tr jr was over from vernal a few days this week the Ladie sAid solety will met let next thursday afternoon at the academy room J F babcock and wife return ed from rangeley colo tuesday lionel also returned with them sheriff eliff roy wilkins Vj lkins was here 4 wednesday ednes day having been out to the wells to servo serve papers arg H H holdaw holdaway ay returned monday from roosevelt where she visited with friends frienda and relatives J il Colt coltharp barp and J E B whiter growers over from the fort stueday T 9 d a y on buckness bucz ness connected yen ir locci loc al int interests orests K wilford whitlock and wife of and sam benmon and bif of vernal were visitors in myton tuesday of this week M B pope and H C nicols passed thru town wednesday en route to vernal mr pope is working on some cases involving the killing of beavers heber Allred has gone to his homestead near cedarview Ced arview for the winter months he will likely resume his duties as ditch rider in the spring H calvert one of pioneers and most widely known My Aly is seriously ill an attack of pneumonia having been warded off with difficulty tuesday evening eve ninga a jolly party gathered at the home of mrs john X xa palmer where games music and dancing was the order of the evening A pleasant evening was enjoyed by all J M bryant government engineer in charge of irrigation returned tuesday with mrs bryant find and children from S salt alt lake where they havo been spending the holidays dr chas thornburg Thom burg was down from fruitland froitland Fruit land this week on business and while here attended the odd fellows lodge thursday evening where he told funny stories to the amusement 0 of f those present cashier B L dart of the myton L lon bank returned the fore part of the week from zion where he has been visiting his family during the holidays mrs dart and the boys are living there while the latter attend the salt lake high schol mrs fred powers gave a party to a large number of friends frienda thursday thurs day afternoon five hundred being the leading source of amusement mu mrs lee cooper won the first prize and mrs Bior bionson got the consolation an z with mrs geo philipps getting the free fr all light k refreshments were served and a very pleasant and entertaining timp time was enjoyed by all the five Hundred Club met with miss AlIss fay pierce bedr wednesday afternoon jan 6 all members were present therefore officers for the new year were elected as follows vice president miss dorothy beggs secretary miss fay pierce treasurer miss hellen morrell the lunch ih which miss fay served was delicious deli dious and enjoyed by all andy whitlock the Roosevelt marshall came to myton maion wednesday with wm win C jarvis convicer there of bootlegging boot legging and given four months in the county jail and a fine of it seems that the good town of roosevelt has no house of detention altho they have had a wonderfully der busy justice court onetime one time last summer we are told the town marshall was obliged to walk around all night with a prisoner and at other times various schemes have been e called into service to take the place of a jail jn the entire county of duchesne Due besne there is now but one jail and that is in myton the county commissioners comm will soon have one however and in the meantime myton can handle the job the days are growing longer ye yet t scarcely noticeable noti cable ble J birchell of myton was on the sick list a few days this weekly george roberts of Ced cedarview arvIeW was seen on our streets tuesday leslie allen alien of cedarview Ced arview ivas vas transacting business here tuesday craim nichol of duchesne transacting was business here he i re F friday A dance was held at cedarview Ced arview friday night A few from here attended mrs lydia A jenkins oever of vernal visited her son arch jenkins a few days the past week mrs leroy halverson of iray I hayden had a of appendicitis monday but at this writing she is out of danger this year is sure to be a very eventful one for all the inhabitants of this globe watch the events as they pass heber C miller the genial clerk at the roosevelt mercantile store was on the sick list a few days the past week it is reported that C W evelsizer of myton who had a relapse from arom typhoid fever is still confined to his home mr and mafs sam bennion of vernal were the guests of mr and mrs Wilford Whitlock a fe few days this past bast week S A russell commissioner elect of cedarview Ced arview and ray dillman county attorney elect left for duchesne monday levison hancock of bluebell was a Roosevelt visitor monday mr hancock y reports the bluebell section as being prosperous daj W browning returned rom ogden on monday of last week the doctor reports a delightful visit with his folks con darling of taft was reported as being very low with pneumonia the past week but at this writing is reported as improving the birth and death rate in roosevelt for the past two years is as follows births 1913 30 1914 40 deaths 1913 14 1914 11 bellon hancock moved into their new building the past week and are now ready to serve their customers in their new brick building lamar craven who has been doing the glazing at the new schoolhouse school house has finished his work and left for his ome in pro vo thursday wilford whitlock has res resigned 1 ened as manager of the studebaker aker branch store here and will wil willoper lopen open a general mercantile store at leeton in the near future mr and mrs paul R watkins left for grand junction monday where they will visit friends for a few weeks they will probably return early in the spring tom jenkins of vernal was the guest of his arther arch a few days the past week mr jenkins is well pleased with this section of the country and will probably locate this glorious winter weather ought to satisfy the most fastidious ti no use to go to california when utah can offer such delightful deligh ful days as have marked the winter thus far F rank frank watkins taught school for a couple of days the past week in place of supt bupt J A washburn who was at duchesne taking the oath of county superintendent in of schools jos mcknight of salt lake city has taken take n charge of the ahe studebaker branch b a store here re mr mcknight is is an old timer of bf vernal section and has many friends f in in this community there are some big things under way to add to the prosperity of duchesne Duch esrie county cou nty the coming year we have the resources and this fatt fact is being recognized by men of dt capital and men of industry L H alleno alien chas carter wm win and S SD D colton of vernal were here wednesday a and nd thursday taking invoice in the R roosevelt 0 1 drug store they left thursday afternoon having comple completed ted their work author clyde and ambrose graham carpenters on the high school buil building dino left here thursday for their homes mr clyde going to provo and mr graham going to richfield they were congenial cone con renial zenial gentle made many friends while at roosevelt the past summer george viii to his hoche ho W abe umbria i r born Monday january 11 II to mr ir and mrs jed wardle jr it ala a abby 1 i I 1 t i themire Th exire going to 0 lay the maple ioor borin inthe the skating rink thi week M mrs rs E H bogess enter entertained t aided a few ew of 0 her bet friends saturday y e evening benin g by giving a theater ea party arty all AH housewives should take n notice ot of the special sale at the ashton hardware co see ad in this issue the roosevelt drug store now has a a circulate circulating 1 ng libra library ry wit with h all t the he latest and best pieces of fiction see change of ad mr W workman 0 tan an of hayden has purchased some lots the past pase week and will probably locate here in the nea near r future marcellos pope of duchesne was in roosevelt friday night ne he had been to vernal for a few days and wash was on the road home F C delivered an interesting lecture in vernal on sunday evening january 3 his topic was where leads the way the roosevelt basket ball team will play at myton on saturday night might january januar y 16 and vernal will w I 1 ill play in roosvelt on saturday night january 23 guy bracken left here saturday for for vernal where he will be joined by his brother and go to st lo 10 louis uis and chicago t to 0 buy goods tl they aey ia will 11 probably be ba gone for three weeks the high school girls ot of roosevelt went to myton friday evening and played a game of basketball basket bal L with the ladies of that town the reset result of the score was 5 to 6 in favor of my myton ross bartlett of vernal and miss rose hayes of liberty were manriq mame in vernal saturday the bride is a teacher in the hayden school she is a daughter of mrs horace morrill of the reservation vernal express H G fredrickson and son chris the contractors for the high school building and who have been visiting their families at manti the past ten days returned thursday they report a fine time for holidays nine couples cou pIes of young folks surprised miss fannie gagon friday evening they all took refreshments with them and walked in on the hostess completely surprising her various games were played and a good time enjoyed by all on wednesday while out making a business call dr lloyd of chesne met with an accident in some way his team bec became ame frightened and ran away breaking a rib and injuring his hip he is reported as resting easy at this writing at 2 saturday morning the uintah builders supply co s sawmill 26 miles northwest of this place and at the head of dry gulch was burned to the ground reports say that several thousand feet of lumber was de st royed the owners of this concern are mostly myton people roosevelt utah dec 14 1914 this is to certify that apple aiple trees I 1 bought of fred motter made a ai growth of four feet six in inches ches in first season and bori bore fruit the second season after planting adv F H woodhouse advertisement jed wardel and dr W J browning returned from ogden monday where mr wardle was operated upon for appendicitis by dr ezra crecli mr wardle wardie returned return edA in better bea health alth than he ha en joyed enjoyed for several y years ears dr E R du in ake ma d e a examination 1 on of appendix and tissues finding no ino cancer i for the past week they have been holding a picture show in the new hall ball on saturday there I 1 was wasa a three reel feature entitled the battle of bull bim run which was quite a drawing card the new hall is giving splendid satisfaction the pictures are all steady and very plain and the noise from the machine cannot b aheard inthe audience |