Show MAY BE MEADOWS th following is from the salt lake Herald Republican concerning the possibilities of moore held in idaho being JO john hn W meadows well kno known wn at duchesne not ft duchesne e where his family now reside e charles moore being held at pocatello idaho in connection with the killing of eugene taylor a deputy sheriff december 11 during an attempted jail break is said to be john W meadows known in salt lake several years ago as a rooming house proprietor members of the salt lake police department said last night that hat while the name meadows is familiar to hem they could not place th man in connection with the killing of lof taylor moore is alleged to have been at he bottorof bottom of the general plot to release from the county jail at poe pocatello atello all the prisoners held chrein taylor was vas well known in salt lake having been a frequent visitor here he came originally from sanpete county an connection with evi evidence denci sheriff ernest bowry of poca pa a tello bello has learned that john W meadows wife mrs velda C meadows lives at duchesne utah many other prisoners are alleged to have been involved in n the jail delivery plot in which t is said bald plans were under way to 0 o kill sheriff lowry rather than his lis deputy and brother in law taylor 0 |