Show international SOCIALISM inas in as much abour as our socialist paper recently published an article art appearing in the deseret news claiming that thal 1 socialism is ruling merry england it n ay no not be ani amiss iss to print the following n g article arti cle altho the fact that lord kitchener in an absolute dictator seemed to be overlooked our socialist editor seizes every opportunity to show up socialism even when the showing is manifestly improper the idea of saying that socialism is assisted in england by the war because cause the government took control of the railroad and of other public utilities no despotism could bo be more inore complete in this day than the rule of a general like Kitch ineer but read the following and see if this is not more in accord with the facts under the caption the collapse of the international the frankfurter of sept 17 publishes the following article from the berlin one of the most influential of the german socialist papers relative tot he shattering of the international nit ional socialist movement by present presen war between foreign socialists and those of germany there is now a condition which can scarcely be described by th the e mild word disagreements uri un used by a former secretary of the treasury the differences are of a nature so grave that one must almost believe that the international has been shattered for several years to come at lest there can be no thought of a successful cooperation of the various parties in the international organization even in the jorwa erts the temporary collapse is spoken of the german rational national attitude of our german socialists has torn tom their political comrades in other countries out of the clouds yes has put those foreign comrades into d a veritable fury they must have expected very wonderful things of the german social democrats which is all the more unreasonable ethe belian belgian and french social democrats brats s took the very same course as did ours in belgium and france too the war credits were voted unanimously and there too t he Social democrats marched into the war willing to perform sacrifices the old saying born bom of experience peri ence is once more fulfilled internal political affairs ran can seldom or never be properly judged from foreign lands here in germany the attitude of the social democrats was not a surprise the german bourgeoisie of the opposition especially always maintained that the great mass of our working men felt german this opposition always protested against the reproach of being men without a country Father landless which was often enough in former times hurled against itself it would have been a sad state rf af affairs too if a party of had been hostile to its fatherland abroad credence is accorded to the prejudices industriously nursed by small groups there they often drew false conclusions from the frequently impassioned impassion ec opposition of the social democracy but be that as it may the fact i is s that the charge is made against the german social democrats not only in hostile hut but also in neutral lands that they have betrayed the international cause of the proletariat the readers of the berlin know the declaration of protest issued by the ger mn as well as the austro hun garian social democrats representatives senta tives against the appeal made by the executive committee of the international socialist bureau at brussels as well as in france addressed to the german people this appeal the contents of which the german people have still not learned to know in its entirety was issued without any attempt at previous consuel consultation aaion with the german comrades it contains about the same lies thick as a fist with which the government of the powers hostile to us are trying to prejudice the world against us the matter is the more absurd in that the international socialist bureau at brussels is an institution supported in largo p part through moneys contributed by german social democrats and founded for all countries in in common yes it maybe may be said that this bureau owes its ve icv inception to to the german socialists lists the major part of the intellect aall labors for the develops deve development lopi nent of the bureau likewise was done by germans here tude is the worlds reward the belgian and french so cial democrats set up the kaiser and the german government as breakers of the peace and accuse their german comrades of hav ing made common cause with these breakers of the peace in the same directions 11 do the views of the italian social democrats tend The member of the reich stag hr S Stu dekum curn who went vent to italy at the behest of the ger nina party and tried to make plain to his il italian comrades the attitude of the german social democrats ret returned L arned with his task rather unsatisfactorily performed since the italians had been informed with lies by the press and telegraph agencies hostile to germany the italian comrades too condemned the attitude oi of the german social democrats german militarism is responsible for the world war according to the view of the isaian comrades by associating with the german kaiser and german social democrats are supposed to have violated all the principles of international policy of the proletariat and to have proved false to them the italians are the least willing to enter into an exchange of arguments after the war but it is not to be expected that they will have any success in this the attempt at enlightenment undertaken by dr was in the last analysis a matter for gratitude from the point of view of general politics for he succeeded despite his failure among his own friends in affecting the remaining public opinion in italy ina in a manner that must not be underestimated underestimate KI as concerns the maintenance of italis neu i I 1 I 1 j 1 1 tra lity the central organ of the social democrats says that elsewhere as well the views of the italian socialists are shared in neutral neutral lands abroad in this the probably means holland and the scandinavian countries there also the german social democrats were sharply attacked by their cal comrades the lying teles tales about german crul ties in belgium playing a large part together with the breach of peace by bv germany but more recently the sentiment in those lands has become calmer they seem at last to look not merely toward the west but also now and then toward the east and to realize how long before the war russia was wa zirL Y even in switzerland the official organ of the social democrats assumed an attitude hostile to germany and to its own COM comrades rades there the I 1 reichstag member richard kichard fischer who happily chanced to be present performed the good service of publicity replying to these attacks all these happenings prove clearly that the idea of world citizenship has suffered complete shipwreck and that the feeling of nationalism has everywhere gained control the hostility of the social democratic parties of other countries arise from the main consideration that fear is felt lest the national independence of the individual lands be destroyed destroy cd by the present war the com comrades rides forgot forget merely this one fact that th the german eGerman social democrats likewise went into the war for the defence of their fat fatherland beeland landwere and were drawn into it especially to defend the fatherland ia fatherland therland against being crushed by russian in the interests of ur german inte internal nal political developments ws can only rejoice inthe in the do dc pt ruction of the relations of the international social democracy 0 |