Show IN STERLING LIVES A fiill 01 91 who suffered As many CM do teus u how W she su gia found relief sterling co corn i i am ain a years yeara and I 1 used to faint girl of aw away 1 e mont lh and wasy weak 9 r I 1 was bothered ate a lot so bernale rea d your little wisdom ass for boob 4 men and I 1 oth e 13 nad TS be helped by lydia 9 legeta vege 0 ble compound compounds Com decided to try aryit j t and 1 C ties anade me f like a new girl and 1 I ea of all these troubles am I 1 ul hope now nov all relieved relie relieve 2 girls will get relief as I 1 have fal young felt better in my life miss berat levei box sterling L conn Df massena assena N Y 1 4 I have taken dia E Pin Pink hams kharas vegetable ly LT Coat nonna and I 1 highly recommend it 1 11 if anyon wants to write to me I 1 will will gladly tell ml her ber about my case I 1 was bad condition certainly ut in a as my blood was all turn ing to water I 1 had pimples on nimfy and a bad color and for five years I 1 hd had been troubled with suppression the doctors called it anemia and echaus ti tion on and said I 1 was all run down but lydia E Pink hams liams vegetable compound brought me out all right kiy bavis LAVISA 1 box 74 bl massena assena ny young girla girl heed this mis advice girls who are tro troubled with painful irregular periods backache headache or dragging down sensations fainting baintin i spells or indigestion should immediately seek restoration to health by taki taking n g L dia E B Pin khama kharas vegetable compound 0 0 constipation vanishes forever prompt relief permanent curll cura CARTERS LITTLE s LIVER PILLS never everty fail purely veesta cf sa ulbe b ble but u t g gently act n t y surely on C A R T if E ra t the h e I 1 liver ive n V u 1 T TL E stop top a after or y M E R ir ainner di dis ephs phs LIV PILLS 15 tress cure g J indigestion improve the complexion brighten the eyel WALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL SHALL genuine must bear signature y i ZW pa an unexcelled artim for lie fit 1 boval moval of wrinkles faces tu 16 and crows feet i D PARISIAN BEAM 10 METHODS ca M SL 7 S su frado I 1 HOW RESINOL CURED ITCHING SKIN TORMENT Dalt baltimore imore md may alay 23 1911 1914 id limbs from knee to ankle were cos plemely covered with eczema for or I 1 year I 1 hated to go in company 11 itched ditched and burned so badly I 1 had 01 rest at night I 1 tried a good BM both liquid arl M remedies for eczema salve but they did me no good mil made the skin more rough and scafa I 1 1 learned e a r n e d 0 of f resinol e s i n 0 ointment 1 n tm e n t and a it d ltd I 1 vil n nol 0 1 s soap 0 a p a and n dr t tried r i e of t them h e m a and n d was wai lieveld of the severe itching and vr ing AT ONCE and after a months burx a steady use was completely signed T S lewis lun sold by all druggists druggis ta any dr pierces pellets small su ugar garcal easy to tale take as candy regulate re and lurt arate stomach Eloi liver and bowels wj li ipe adv L D U L adens SHOES sm a 4 and 2501 alto dvor I 1 estyl Is A saw by it you CA save AVE agoa W S T DOIT for 31 your years W T it ha data R MO maluo by bp bLay having inar his hi u az an loo IL camped tamped on tho the sole bole hobor bo fo tho int I 1 cg j 0 lory T s to tot yi f 0 potherb oo f therB j t tim OU asi ivas shoes hoea are always wort worth 9 U you could a m a holy hoir CA i ys lade and the ika 11 why il they I 1 look r to aa tilie ani wear lonier longer i ih I 1 if the IV 1 ad 1 I anler direct f irom JAM to r lr where chero postage free iii f in hie 0 U niec liw teats h tio atS vt laeb hostal 1 tj W 1 U |