Show OR MUSTARD PICKLES approved RECIPES THAT WILL BE satisfactory method ethod most popular OP ular has cucumber the Found foundation atlon chowchow chow chow f leep keeps best when it la Is stored in glass jars I 1 si pj of ILI all suejet subjects capable c of 0 tempting tha interest of the housewife at the 0 that of pickling equals inocent ament nono J the number of queries that come into r office can be ba used as a newspaper ne A estimation TI the is most re basla asla tor for buestad bu ested recipe Is tor for mustard pickles mova as the german good way to mako make this leie e re Is a ackle h t mustard ackle talce taka large yellow them remove the i pare cucumbers cumbers Vu ii seeds e cut them into pieces three inches long lay the pieces on long dishes them with salt allowing one ona sprinkle tablespoonful of salt for each quart cucumbers let them lie 12 hours then ell lips flips them dry with a towel lay aftem em in alternate layers in glass jars faith ill the following spices allowing for or each ell jar ti two 0 tablespoonfuls tablespoon ot of mustard seeds eeds two bay leaves one small red diepper ii epper and if handy ft a few pieces ot of orse radish root and a little dill bolt boll ome white vinegar allowing tor for each ir r one pint add to every quart ot of jaegar egar one tablespoonful tablespoon tul ol of sugar till if three minutes then set aside and hen perfectly cold pour it over tho the cumbers close the jars and place tern em la in a cool place green cucumber mustard pickle 0 o make green cucumber mustard idle put one quart 0 of cucumbers cut a cubes in a bowl boni sprinkle two table Kioa of salt on them and let them land nd over night next morning drain se e cucumbers in a colander cut me white onions la in very thlu thin ices ces and put them with the cucui lers to in a saucepan cover with vinegar lace ace the saucepan over the fire in Is 9 meantime mix in a bowl one cup blot of sugar and two tablespoonfuls of tn ri a little cayenne pepper and j tablespoonful ae ne tablespoon tul of english musts mustard rd alx ix add it to the cucumbers boil five Di mutes mites remove and fill in small jars chowchow chow chow take one pint ot of fine at I 1 white flute celery 24 small cucumbers be quart cuart 0 of small peeled white in lite onions TO large leads heads of cauliflower six reen een peppers and two quarts ot of green Mia matoes toes wash and cut the vegetables to ilo inch sized pieces taking out the j aeda a from the peppers place the bibles bles into a large bowl or pan mix nr t quarts parts of 0 cold water with a halt half abid nd of salt pour it over the vege abea aiea tea and let it stand over night next kalns place the vegetables in a itile a with nith the brine set them over over 19 0 fire and as soon as they begin ta J remove drain oft all the water lit three quarts of vinegar with one und of sugar over the fire mix ona ong paul of hour flour a half pound of english bustard rd and a alt ounce ot of turmeric ith ill cold vinegar to a paste and astl stir into tile the boiling vinegar cook and br r two minutes from the time it be is to boil boa pour boiling hot over the yeta ge tables bleg and when cold put all into ass jam iara this may also be kept in stone jar but it Is nicer when kept the glass jars |