Show some time am ago C it was wag stated that the good old nil old fashioned mothers fashioned mother was getting are getting scarce scarce with all due by M T terre err haute lad ind respect to the old fashioned mother let us go deeper into the subject what hat did the old fashioned mother know about future training for her sons and daughters how many men and women ar ars suffering buffering from chronic ailments today who would not so suffer had the mothers of a generation ago been scientifically informed on proper fe feeding ediDo 0 and care of the family how many young girls have entered matrimony knowing nothing about the health of their husbands how many diseased or deformed children have been born and cared for every year if children were properly taught in the home much said along these lines could be avoided too much false modesty has been a fault of women in the past and through it some come have been made to suffer never has there been a time when women were better fitted for the rearing of a family than they are today with the passing out of the good old fashioned mother comes the modern modem scientific woman and for the sake of a future generation ve can be thankful |