Show Shelby LIsonbee Green Ball Highlights Season i A very successful Gold and Green Ball was held last week under the direction of the MIA theme was which was cleverly carried out in- An outstanding floor show was The theme was sung by Joe Clayburn and Judy Shepard with Hazel Walter accompanying The music was furnished by the Alta mont High School Refreshments were served to a large crowd from here and the neighboring Mr and Malcolm and Frank and Alma M. and Elden and Shelby Ethel Ruth Lois Erma Van Christina Fitzgerald and James Giles attended the DUP banquet held at Arcadia Monday A delicious chicken supper was served and an interesting program after which the group enjoyed dancing by the music of Milt and Archie A few of our lucky neighbors have been enjoying TV and Ronald Lisonbee and accompanied by Shelby Lisonbee and visited the first of the week in Salt Lake City with Elizabeth Bertie Lisonbee and Carol Ann Brady and Sherwood and Jack Liddell and Ethel Taylor and Judy Shepard went to Provo Saturday of last week to visit and Ronald Liddell and Rulon Vere is visiting in Moab with her son and and Dale Elden Liddell was a Salt Lake City business caller during the and Elden Liddell are the happy grandparents of a new born to and Curt Kofford in Salt Glen Van Tassell was a Salt Lake business visitor last Weekend visitors here were and Lloyd Brady and Bertie Lisonbee and Carol Ann Brady of Salt Lake City also were here over the Sunday visitors at the home of and Jack Liddell were and Abe Liddell and Rose Walker of Roe Smith and children of Salt Lake City were last Sunday guests of their and Alma Other guests Sunday and during the week at the Smith home were and Pete Abplanalp of Howard Smith of Lawrence Young and children of Mt Eugene Abplanalp and Snow of Erma Van Viola Shepard and Myrl Smith attended a Relief Society Work meeting at Duchesne Wanless Shields accompanied and Joe Shields of Arcadia to Salt Lake City on Wednesday where she visited her and and Walt Redmond of Roosevelt have purchased the Bill Gallyer farm and have moved into We welcome the Redmond family into the Thelma Lamb and Curtis were Thursday and Friday visitors in Salt Lake and Howard Taylor and family and Max Taylor of Salt Lake City spent the weekend with their Roy and Leon Walters and children of Salt Lake City spent the weekend with their and Malcolm On Sunday the Walters enjoyed a family and observed the wedding anniversary of and Rulon D. and Percy Potts of Upalco were Sunday visitors of their daughter and and Reed j and Frank Meyer spent I the first part of the week in Salt Lake City on and Dan Meyer and and Loren Cox and family of Heber were visitors at the home of and Reed last LaVar and son Terry of Price visited his brother Reed and family and his George last and Orson Neilson of Vernal were visitors at the Reed home |