Show MOTHER OF THE YEAR Alice Harrison Labrum was chosen by the Club as a candidate to compete in the District Mother of the Year contest She was the only representative from A Vernal nominee was chosen to represent the district Alice Labrum Was Nominee For Mother of the Year Alice age was chosen by the Club as a candidate for District Mother of the competing recently in Vernal with several other Named to represent Uintah District in Salt Lake City was Archie Johnson of All nominees will be awarded a special certificate of merit at a banquet to be held in Salt Lake City some time in selected Labrum to represent this area because of the exemplary life she has led and because of her qualities of kindness and helpfulness which have endeared her to her children and the Labrum was born in Juab Utah in Her Ray G. died An active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Labrum served as work director in the Relief Society for nine and has been a faithful Relief Society teacher for over thirty She has also worked in the Primary and MIA Her taste and love for beautiful things have to create many things viM her hands such making floral wreaths for Memorial doing all types of fancywork and handiwork and growing beautiful She the mother of the following nine Lloyd Ray Labrum July Morrell Edgar Richard Verlin Von Keith Kenneth Lynn La brum and Clem Loyal She has 23 grandchildren and 18 i |