Show Hilda Farnsworth Hit By Auto Fay Miles received word l Tuesday evening that her Ed Crosby of had met with a serious accident at He was struck by a car as he attempted to cross a Poor visibility by a rain storm was the cause of the Crosby is reported as Attending the basketball tournament at Provo were and Don and Reed Lyons and Ross and Lewis and Glen and Farnsworth of Salt Lake City visited relatives in Home and Altamont over the weekend- and Grant Stevenson spent Saturday and Sunday in Salt Lake City and Ogden Visiting with their daughter and and Kay HONORED ON BIRTHDAY A family dinner was given Sunday at the home of and Floyd honoring Lila and Hilda whose birthdays fall on the same and Alden Farnsworth and Lula Belle Farnsworth of Salt Lake City were the other and Ben Lyons and family of Provo were visitors at the homes of relatives over the There is a society in the deepest |