Show t anything in I 1 hing vou invent or improve Im provo 0 alo pet get mank COPYRIGHT or DESIGN huiel fordree m nna ad lee 1 BOOK ON PATENTS oz No 1 attys arito C A y C CO 0 patent lawyers waa H I 1 N N D C use dr miles annin tor SPINAL WEAKNESS all druggists ECU ato for 66 saved tier her life 2 t ic US JOHN WALLET of 0 jefferson M ivis than whom none is more bighley esteemed or widely known writes in I 1 had bad a severe attack ot of LaG 0 and at the end of 0 four months in spite cfall physicians friends and good nursing could do my lungs heart and nerve nervous system so completely wrecked my life was despaired ot of roy my friends giving mo me up I 1 could coul d only sleep by the use ot of opiates my lungs and heart beart pained zoo me terribly and my cough was most aggravating I 1 could not cot llo ito in one position but a short time and not on my left sido at all my bly husband brought mo me dr miles Ner vivie and heart cure and I 1 began taking them when I 1 had taken a half bottle ot each I 1 was much better and cont continuing perils persistently bently I 1 took toola about a dozen bottles and was completely restored tobe to health alth to the burp riso ot of all ww dr miles remedies dr are sold by all dru druggists Vl ileo sa under a positive tivo guarantee first battla benefits or money fostore Ro store re landed funded book on dis vf mcelhi P ill ith eases ol of tho heart and E j is nerves free address ass mss DR MILES MEDICAL CO elkhart Ell ind and vest cured cored by dr PAIN illas onu beut a dai A pain has no colbow libow with ir dr miles rain P your friend lienwood L I 1 ali 0 A A tbell you calk upon for lightness swiftness and strength it is unsurpassed you can learn all about it Is by addressing hamilton kenwood cycle co 2 scallan st chicago noad acbo bad got dr huloa pain ellla rey sils I 1 we make a specialty of pta seavil teas team III harness and use nothing nothing not hinc but the best leather and work in their manufacture satisfaction guaranteed at prices to suit yen L ee rift I 1 I 1 N M proprietor of golden colden high patent sheaf F 1 A A A na IN 0 T Y A tIRa uinta patent sheaf SheaT tent straight patent TT 01 RS Cra graham harn F L 1 family pride A JA 1 U ir Q germade made and HIM feeds of all kinds B bookkeeping etc thoroughly taught BY MAIL ats or personally our system ot of teaching gives actual ul 1 sy dally daily experience in every branch ot ol business including banking merchandising commission insurance transportation 0 etc preparatory department tor for ba backward clEward students wo we train lor for practical N v ork and always secure situations for or deates ot of our business and shorthand courses S students enter ter a any n y day no vacations expenses moderate dont aront throw away aw time anil and mn icek going to temporary tern schools when I 1 it will cost you less to attend the BEST weal a n number aber ir of students who have left incompetent teachers in disgust dit gust oblenis 1 8 lail tell U us that six months here is equal to a year in any other school A D CAI A D n to any ady one for first information of a R EWA R D lor for a T bookkeeper stenographer c pher clerk of a telegraph operator which we successfully fill ail business houses com assistants walthou charge chalso refer to prominent patrons in eve every cart of tk akiu iu T the he next best thing to 10 attending the MOST CELEBRATED BUSINESS S SCHOOL Z in abbin Is to ulso like our instruction B bly MAIL it if you are unemployed ard willing conri i send n d tn on two cent stamps for or five easy lessons in shorthand bi catalogue in this paper CLEMENT PRESIDENT poughkeepsie t STAGE LINE evanston wyo randolph and laketown Lake town daily except sunday leave evanston Evan stoa at I 1 p in fv byth chiq Th 1 is the r route to the rail railroad road A lu hale manager geo webb carpenter builder and contractor our work guaranteed to le lc well and promptly done RANDOLPH UTAH J L ATEO RaSO manufacturer and denier dealer in furnishing in and building lumber siding T G C flooring lath shingles doors windows and Moul dings office neat the mill EVANSTON wyo so BO YEARS experience TRADE MARKS DESIGNS copyrights ac anyone sending sl a ewelch and description MY inny quickly v our opinion free w eaber an AH n V a t c t probably arob abl y paten babl 0 handbook on ac n r idest for securing patents taken agney t blunn A co 0 to caly special notice u it bout ob arlo lit in abo scientific america A illustrated weekly clr cu lation ot of any journal 13 n R year four montha ill 1 eold bold by ull uli nolo alii MUNN ca new york branch balce W M F bt 1 D C professional cards J T MUTH KIETH mm mw evaston EVA STOy R S R wi LANI IDAHO dr E lee 13 19 prepared pro arop pared ird to do all kinds of Denta lWok crown and bridge work aoa a specially Special tl tooth extracted without pam pain WOODRUFF VIS LE ROY N FRENCH AY AT WS UN will practice in all courte collections promptly to UTAH JAS H VALLIS and counsellor at law lav ivill practice in ia au ali utah and idaho CiD attention given to correspondence IDO IDABO ED SOUTH tonsorial ToD lal A artist rb h RANDOLPH UTAH JOS H SEVILLE NEVILLE contractor and Buil builder dor WOODRUFF UTAH plans dans and 8 elied rIAN RANDOLPH DOLP HOTEL joll JOHN prop pro first class accommodation accommodate for transient and other chests ilay gral grain in and stabling ill connect li terms reasonable THE HOUSE LAKE TOWN UTAH guests care ind and comfort g guaranteed good gond st aliling oo in connection ladt ilear beautiful to the ilc mrs him ARN KEARL drop THE euintah U I 1 N T A H HOTEL wy C call ail it at whorl whon in evanston 14 house tase lh best tile tho Uinta in town TOW arrs 0 i lachappelle ac prop MUSICAL PRESENTS W we t give arrive a partial list of niu musical Z goods suitable for christinas presents procure something 0 that ii refi refining nino 0 and educating to the old and YOU young something n that eliat will ivill make maka lionie home pleasant W we e can call sell y you ou thy celebrated MASON HAMLIN or KIMBALL ORGAN at from 65 to terms 10 down ind and 5 per month Anie american rican made GUITARS 45 0 f to 0 S 10 0 to BANJOS 3 5 0 to 50 these instruments are the best made and embrace the W as seiburn sli burn bay state and ma mawer we can furni furnish sli you anything 1 froni from a jows harp up tip to a piano we all the latest sheet music kusic music books and strings ir for all kicia of stringed lIed instruments orders from the count country Y will have special and prompt att il tion and satisfaction guaranteed 10 D 0 CROWN SONS SALT LAKE CIT CITY y |