Show TRAINS FOR MISSIONS medical and Tra training laing school for men and the chicago medical missionary training school is an undenominational school of practical philanthropy just established by several philanthropic people in the large building at 1926 wabash avenue chicago until I 1 recently occupied by the home tor for the friendless its purpose is to prepare christian young men and women to laher labor in city missionary and rescue work under the various missionary boards it will operate cooperate co with all denominations in helping humanity and responding to the cry of anguish that comes from socie tys downtrodden anil and outcast each course of study will last one year and includes biblical instruction in gospel principles elementary physiology medical nursing hygiene sanitation emergency relief and practical philanthropy thropa the students spend part of each day in classes and part in practical work such stich as friendly visiting and district nursing among tile the poor and destitute sick as well as holding cottage gospel and health meetings about one hundred of these meetings are now being held each week there are at present one hundred and f fifty students but there Is room for at least five hundred in the building consecrated young men and women are received as students without regard to their creed provided they are prepared to devote their lives to gospel philanthropic work students are furnished with room and tuition tree free of charge and boarded on the european plan costing from 1 to per week tor for meals and incidentals the building Is steam heated and very comfortable the instructors tors are physicians trained medical nurses and workers all of whom give their services tree free there is in the building a free medical dispensary free bath and laundry for women and children day nursery tree free kindergarten and kitchen garten and also a home finding department tor for friendless men women and children it will furnish christian families all through the country with children to adopt or men and women to work as well as care for the homeless until placed sn in families sixty friendless young girls have been rescued and put in christian homes in the past six months references rev C R henderson D D university of chicago bayard holmes ill D miss jane Addam sHull house dr arthur edwards editor northa northwestern CS t e rn christian advocate dr sarah hackett stevenson or any leading pastor lit in chicago for particulars call or address superintendent 1926 wabash avenue chicago III |