Show lake town locals lovely weather cold ni nights gIlLS every one getting ready for xmas students are home from logan to spend the holidays bishop alma findlay or of bloomington was here today miss mary hodges returned yesterday irom from salt lake city where she has been learning the alie dressmakers art bro stuck of paris was here last week settling tithing lie ile attended our meeting on sunday and spoke on the principal of tithing making 1 it t s so 0 plain that none could fail all to understand bro J W ite also occupied part of the time our school children are having a regular jollification today the primary department have a christmas tree the first ever introduced introduce a in a laketown Lake town schoolroom we believe and the cliL children ildren helped to trim it consequently they think there never were such teachers as thy they have this 3 car christmas drawing near the time so dear to every heart how bow it seems to draw us together what a happy people we ought to be plenty to eat cat plenty to drink plenty to wear to keep warm and comfortable good homes aud and surroundings no one afraid of 0 being turned out of doors ing i rig ii here the next meal is conil ng from no sickness I 1 lave have we not many aless ings now the question arises are we thankful do we appreciate any or all of these good gifts it if we do not we ought to all we are almost preaching and imagine we hear bear someone cry quit we have a splendid program tor for am xmas as morning gotten up gyoury by our young people we wish them every success to you and yours mr editor and all tile the readers of the home paper we wish a merry christmas lake town utah dec 23 1897 we thank our correspondent for the kind wishes expressed and return the ca compliments of the season ed |