Show JOHN VAN milwaukee prominent for his scholarly contributions to leading magazines ajl 1 JA IN 1 IF P K T I 1 ta 10 a a v 4 WW V aj D D EN DEATHS from heart ua i disease ls ase are arc frequent not a day passes but the daily press records the death of some som well emell known citizen cruelly shocking the community because it was unexpected the victims friends thinking of him as in the enjoyment of perfect health yet death from heart disease is never without many warnings given at frequent intervals in a many cases tor for years rears the trouble is the victims do not heed the warnings the first indication di or symptom of heart disease although unmistakable are so slight and tho the change to the next stage so gradual that they are arc Ec scarcely arcely noticeable and even when once fully realized one does docs not wish to alarm ones friends and the suffering cring is borne in silence until stricken down not so with john van Denbur gb of mt vernon ave milwaukee who writes under date of A august st 7 for or a number years dr I 1 was a sufferer from wies 11 neuralgia of t the h e GuSs 3 heart which became so severe that I 1 was haaff incapable of I 1 ary exercise it commenced some years ago with darting pains from the region of the heart extending to left arm these attacks grew more inore frequent and severe until when attacked with one of these it if I 1 did not stop immediately I 1 would fall to the ground it if I 1 became excited or overexerted over exerted myself in any way physically or mentally it produced spasms of the heart and I 1 would have to stop right in my tracks until the spell passed off I 1 had to sit up in bed at night for hours horns at a time on account of suffocating spells and was incapable of taking proper exercise without physical exhaustion I 1 was told of dr miles heart cure by contractor B R E R hutchinson of 71 street whose son clarence was cured by this wonderful remedy and I 1 commenced taking it at once since using it I 1 have been entirely relieved of these spasms and am now taking half mile walks each cach day with much comfort one person in four has a weak or diseased heart the defection may be very slight at clr first t but disease unchecked never grows better of itself its course is always from bad to worse tho the first symptoms neglected disease soon becomes c chronic li there is certain tal ln relief from heart pains from shortness of breath smothery smothering eri rig choking sensations hungry weak spells acte etc in dr miles heart cure this remarkable result of dr miles ion long 0 research in treating heart and diG diseases eases has established itself 3 the one sure and certain cure for a w a ns or diseased heart dr miles reme dies are arc sold by all j druggists under a rv EVi evicts positive guarantee merv IQ first bottlo bottle benefits Ros torea or money refunded sf I 1 0 it n ax dook book on heart and I 1 LA 2 A nerves sent free to all applicants by y dr miles medical co elkhart ind I 1 |