Show liable to sun experience has indicated an extreme fatality from sunstroke in persons using alcohol to excess the cn eatlo and vaso motor paralysis common in all inebriates are bott boti pre disposing and exciting causes for the coma from the tha suns rays raya the breaking up the heat regulating centers ot of the brain by alcohol leaves the body J erless to resist th the suns rays Y yet et this fact is not very widely recognized and every summer the record of sur buol cases becomes more prominent dr norton in the new york journal reports 50 cases of sunstroke sun roke brought into the presbyterian hospital with tile tha following comment the use usa of alcohol seemed to have a direct unfavorable influence the habit was marked in 32 per cent moderate in 46 per cent denied in 10 per cent of the rem alfing 12 per cent no history could be obtained eight persons were markedly alcoholic on admission and of these tour four died |