Show idaho hoard board boise ida aug 23 21 the state skateboard board of equalization lias has found it impracticable to complete the work of equalization of asses lil cut of live stock and the matter will go over until the close of the meeting mr henry L wilson of washington is t the I 1 le 11 new ow U united ni t ca states minister to peru the ii ibish ish catholic benevolent union has adopted resolutions of sympathy i mill ith the alie sli sit aking miners the international congress to dis cuss measures for the protection of workmen lias has ha s opened at zurich there are arc aioo delegates present and all allcorn coun tries aro are represented the council general of Marseil lc has adopted adopt cil axe a resolution solution denouncing speculation in and asking the 9 to tile the duties on foreign grain nul and flour bour |