Show THE AIRSHIP AIR SHIP AGAIN seen lit in omithia for tile the time by a number dumber of people omaha neb march 29 the mysterious airship air ship as seen again last night for the third time by a number of reputable citizens Ith it herein ovela sight about the time that church was over and iu in half an hour had traversed the heavens arid and had once more disappeared it was seen by the people in all parts of the lity ity this time the airship airship came into view in the southeastern portion of the horizon it was in the shape of a big bright light too big for a balloon and glowed steadily it sailed over tile the city to the northwest arid and there disappeared behind the houses and bluffs I 1 very slowly arid and seemed to be quite near the earth bothin gothing 0 but the li liht light ht was visible |