Show mrs samuel stamm of loganton Lo ganton pa bore her thirty tour four years ot of suU tring with courage and fortitude her trouble was rheumatism in the knee in consequence her limb had become so stiff that she could hardly walk mr stadium is a well to do merchant and had spared no pains or expense to relieve her hilt but with little success until one night when it grew so painful that she s he could hardly endure it in it persuaded her to try chamberlains pain balm the effect was ma magical marical fical the first application relieved th tho e pain and its continued use has removed all stiffness and given her the freo free use of her limb once more if you have friends who are troubled with rheumatism insist on their giving this remedy a trial tri 1 you yon can do them no greater favor aja it is sure to give prompt relief ana if they are a little patient it will effect a cure for sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by IKE SMITH |