Show advertise es trays FOUND in laketown Lake town canyon a bundle of carpet rags owner osner can obtain same by app applying iving to henry hoffman randolph utah LOST between randolph and wood raff a pair of handcuffs will finder please reburn them to sheriff A il dickson Dic keon woodruff utah THEATRE NOTICE the play jail bird advertised for christmas night is postponed till new years eve decem oer 31 1890 1896 R S SPENCE ism MORRY AY AT bawo montpelier IDAHO dr E lee Is prepared to do all kinds of dental Dantal work crown and bridge work a Specia specialty lV teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN WOODRUFF UTAH caveats als and trademarks trade marks mirla obtained and all it rat pt cot busina conducted for fitts FEE oun orrica is ua U s and we can secure patent m jcu unia than thou remote from washington Washing inKton toa send scud model drawing or photo with description we advise it i or not free ace of 0 charge our fee not due till patent li Is secured A llo H to t obtain patents with cost of same la in the V U S and forciea countries count nes sent arm fcc address opp off PATENT cirro orrica cit washington 0 C i STAGE LINE evanston wyo randolph and laketown Lake town utah dally daily except sunday leave evanston at I 1 p m fartais is the route to the railroad A lu ln hale manager y D DR 0 SHORES W FAMILY REMEDIES dr G W shores complete catarrh cure both local and internal positively cures care CS carrh ctr rh Asih nia bronchitis hy hay fever or any ny comp affection of the nose threat bronchial tubes or lung lun fis pull full size aloo trial size dr 0 NV short shores tonic and fillod purifier cleanses and purifies the nood blood gives elves strength renEth sl anil and vigor I agor curts curs dyspepsia and all nervous diseases 1 price ic st 1 per bottle bottie dr 0 W shores shore kidy kidney and ad liver cur cures all diseases ot of the kid kidneys neg liver and bladders bladder price 1 per bottle dr dro W borea cough cure cures all ali courts colds sad add bronchial affections One dose will stop sPasm spasmodic Wic croup keep ft a bottle in the house lare size bottles dr 1 0 I W shores shore mountain sage safe oil strips slops the worst pain in one minute I bor or headache tooth toothache neur neuralgia Alcia cramps or colic use it and in eternally ter nally prevents and cures dipti thena it if used in time line keep keel a bottle handy price csc ab a bottle otil dr 0 W chores pepsin VC MiNge Kue dest destros rov I 1 intestinal nt e worms and reno ren ts the little round nest neit wh where ere they hatch and breed it never rails falls price bic bottle dr a 0 W shores wintergreen salve asive cures all dl eniti of the skin removes red spots and lk l k plin pimples ples from the face heals Heal sold old sores in 3 to S days price a box or dr 0 W shores antl anti constipation pills cure chronic constipation sick headache and bilious attacks price csc a bott li II if your case Is complicated arnt dr G ashor aur salt sail lake ke city U utah tah lor for his new dyni symptom atom list 8 and rd let get expert advice C tree free these remedies prepared and guaranteed by ibia dr G W shores co salt lake chy utah for sale and recommended by all dro and d ae i lr in I 1 im bidne or sent seat direct oo on re receipt celto p of price McKiN KOs BROS sl 81 agents randolph we ar em freaa I 1 irling V lif t nty 6 every w iw few flay day f lip y call an nd sevi V them just received another lot of california evaporated fruits peaches cents per it 11 mixed 4 pickle per keg 80 conta cents plums 10 cents per I 1 ib b cindy candy from 10 to lu 20 0 cents per lb ib apricots 15 cents per lb ib sugar 17 lbs ibs for lemon peel 20 rents cents per lb ib arbuckle Ar buckles cofre coffre 20 cents syrup 5 gallon keg it 1 I gallon can 50 cents tea from 10 to 20 cents per package e J i gallon can 30 cents fine salt 5 ib sacks 2 for 15 cents SPENCER BROS a JUST ik RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF 1 M ON pst re N S fl av AND rip CUTTERS write for prices before buying 0 prices guaranteed as low as the lowest grain taken in exclia exchange nae y ETa siston implement company TIMM bit g va ale V k 7 L ye 1 abin er good square edge at mill 1050 per m in town 1250 lath at till mill in town slabs ah 1 aj cents each deaoy boards 4 cents these prices are for cash only we do not sell lumber on paper lumber yard at J F spencers J F SPENCER tiR secretary Treas treasures urea THE UINTAH HOTEL ED SOUTH evanston wyo tonsorial Tons arial 1 ial artist t cit neat and comfortable hair cutting cuttin Slin shaving ving and I 1 rooms good horne home cooking in latest style etyle no on premises RANDOLPH UTAH try tho the uintah when you are in THE TYSON HURSE HOUSE evanston Eva naton ind and you will receive the best r of treatment randolph utah C lachapelle prop far oldest and best hotel TOP TH lila BTU I 1 hay in town grain and rates stabling reasonable in i careful attention to guests JOHN SNOWBALL prop MRS 8 TYSON prop first class accommodation for transient and other guests geo webb fw CV hay grain end and stabling iu in connection carpenter tion terms reasonable builder and J L ATKINSON contractor manufacturer and dealer in our work guaranteed to te le well and i furnishing and building promptly done t lumber siding T C RANDOLPH UTAH flooring lath shingles Doors Windows THE and Moul dings office neat the mill EVANSTON wyo HOTEL MARX 1 L L mckinnon WILLIAM BOWEN prop EVANSTON WYOMING harness and saddle saddie maker CV kept first class COB strictly JW CV repairing done on short notice nio diona and homelike headquarters nothing but beet beat material used in our work for all traveling men the bar is sop plied with the finest brands of randolph utah and cigars rates reasonable arch mckinnon JOS H NEVILLE contractor and builte bu ilal A sy all kinds of BI Blacksmith ack ingWood wood WOODRUFF UTAH work and Horse shoeing done on short notice carriage and wagon work a specialty inventor and sole maker of plans and specifications furnished furnish the celebrated mckinnon Hay stacker patent C E ANDERSON RANDOLPH UTAH general repair shop AA A A A an mft GET kis KIP nearly all kinds of YOUIL HONEYS kilias 0 at prices to suit the times all SALT LAKE HERALD adjusted adjust of sewing ing machines LIa chines repaired re cal sr lightest lith test and anci nest best S is cleaned and supplied applied clocks DAILY 1000 per annum or 01 I C per month nth filed locks and keys fitted ad pul vi semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY EKLY only aad for per year or lor for 6 months paired jewelery subscribe through local arent agent or send direct to nature kiture repaired etc etc em ta TIM RED manald ALI CO scissors sors and all edged salt lake city utah sharpened S RANDOLPH VIAS |