Show v sonic some eastern people whose business lt it is to lo write and talk about art are or igaina worry lug over the familiar sub eject of the cupidity of foreign actors anti ami singers they point out that fit alii inspiration which lends leads mine ilme hern bern hirdt to sob and shriek on the stage ines does not blind her to the seductive beauties of a check rind and that mm calve would not fall twice mice a week upon tile the stage with the cold damp of death upon her brow if there were ant doubt of receiving her comfortable allowance of 1200 from the management at it the ali close of the performance not only do the illustrious tragedians and singers singer demand contracts for the payment at their stil salaries arles but lit lately some of them the most inspired and of the lot have caused to be inserted in these contracts a clause that next year they shall bo be paid in gold which ulay may ail a 11 go to show a mercenary nature but actresses and actors and piano thumpert thumpers thum pers are not the only people who make it a business policy to take all they can get the rule of trade as a new york vork millionaire put it Is to buy cheap and sell as dear as you ton can the foreign artists sell dear and while it may dot exalt their calling in the minds of the public they are doing doin what would ba lone done by many of their critics it if they hail the chance the whole trouble arises from the misconception which supposes that an artist Is a spiritual minded being with ills his head perpetual ly IY bumping the stars and his thoughts far and away above the gross question of dollars dollar tills this idea Is a relic of the bollot belief that a man known knobil as a gensui anlu merely lias has to sit down lu in a trance gradce and let the genius trickle through ills his fingers the truth Is that at the present time most artists actors singers poets and authors work rind and for a 1 well known purpose fame faine being part of their object anil and money being another anil and there Is nothing to show that william Shak shakespeare speare did not have the same views or would have neglected to take a high reword reward for a play it if lie he could get it in place of a poor on one the world has heard board altogether too much flub dub about goniu ind and its divinely superlative eccentrics tiei flog |