Show notes grow a small plot in horseradish horse radish simply place tile the routs roots or oi top of the ground aud and turn a arrow furrow on them they will prow grow and thrive without further labor A writer in an Eng english libl paper asserts that only one steer out 0 of f every shipped from the united oe ud S stales t trese 1 fsr la 1 ost lost while from the river platte from one to twenty five tive aud and from australia from one to over seven it Is much easier to feed aled nichole grain than to grind it but it Is better belter to put the labor to it than to lose in the feed ground grain can be more intimately mixed balth w ith coarse food and in III that respect it not only serves to balance the ration but the combination of foods cheapens the whole and more perfect digestion results it if your wheat does not dot appear promising apply from fifty tot to pounds of nitrate of suda soda per acre upon it it the effect will be quickly notice noticeable aIll e aud and the wheat will appear to take on a new growth at once the nitrate la Is somewhat expensive lve bu bit ibe the results at harvest time will show that the in ini i creased yield will nearly braily pay for the fertilizer liser sow a patch of oats to b ell t as green food the oats should b 16 cut just as ai the seeds tire are in 1 the milky stage which s lie h arrests the nutritious witter matter in tile the stalks and renders the atheni palatable they are cured the same a as S 1 Is done with hay farmers who use oats in this mauner manner run them th a 1 fodder cutter stall stalks s and heads t rid ind sprinkle a little cornmeal corn corti moal over them thell T they ley are highly relished by cattle and horses drug clerk ilo ilov will you oil lave hava your soda boda hot bot or cold customer guess ill have it hot time to walt wait for it to get cold cola roxbury galetta G J |