Show fattening animals quickly the old saying that time is money Is doubly true with regard to fattening animals there is no profit in slow fattening of oc anything tile the largest amount ot of food that can be digested and assimilated is always the most niest profitable for the fattening animal the food requited for maint maintenance Dance of the hie animal to merely keep it in store rendition Is just so wasted masted iulio ac no mole moie than this goes with it this does lot hot mean that fattening animals ire are to be given food lahout ll hout limit that will injure digestion and then DO matter how liberal the feeding the animal will not thrive old animals are generally fattened slowly lor this reason their flesh Is tough but if they are fattened quI eLly as they may be by combining some grain with succulent food flesh will have the tend tenderness erness and sweetness that ire are commonly associated with the flesh of young animals |