Show fashion notes match the quilted cotton lining of your coat to a hat or handbag the soft fabric that looks like a powder puff is cotton its being used a lot for jackets for the young dirndl skirts of quilted calico fill the need of something warm trimmed with sparkling accents or even lace velveteen is as dressy as anything you will need for all but the most formal occasions cotton velvet too is a favorite why limit yourself to matching hat and bag or gloves and bag there are darling plaid blouses with hats to match and you can get a belt purse and gloves ensemble to dress up a simple afternoon dress mix ern em or match ern em is the rule but dont combine too many articles of one color particularly it if it happens to bea bright one arclever A clever fashion trick is the costume carried out in one color from head to foot shoes matched to your red green or purple dress and hat are this winters proud boasts boast |