Show FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF N M V LIZ im ma VAR PLANT d out I 1 could put more 0 n y ady ido IVA ci ael this job done BOY be rny a lot quiches and HSI ra il er if aoa do your part on the home front by MR bon through the payroll plan 1 V S treasury Dip artmen call TOJ HT olefa n AMERICA on the fringed fringe of home of alex campbell west virginias virginia s E ethany Eti any coll college ge is is an old white frame house boure the home of Alc alexander xander campbell AR a century ago son v cf a presbyterian it he found foun d the di disciples of christ al 31 i 4 A L H trotter chief nazi labor recruiter in belgium vw V has just said the 4 vf church in its protest against labor eions is taking a political mach basl the atack action which has I 1 no nothing thin in common with with wh war bonds rel gion rat it PERRY HOTEL U salt lakes popular priced adern hotel beautifully furnished RATES q to P broadway and West Temple FREE GARAGE OVER A MERICA early in the century john audubon a storekeeper and gristmill operator at henderson kentucky took to studying birds FT as s an antidote for ennui and added much to mans knowledge of ornithology his name is a byword to this day it t is john james A audubon only the knowledge of 0 despotism destruction killing maiming brings one t to the surface of 0 keep on Q t it has no place for gentle souls only backing tho the attack Himm lers Schlei chers with war bonds von lapens hendrichs Heyd richi richs NOTICE U S department OP OF THE INTERIOR GENERAL LAND OFFICE district land office salt lake city utah aug 30 1943 notice is hereby given that on june 26 1011 L W allen alien filed application under section 8 of the taylor grazing act as amended to select the see sec 28 T 12 N R 4 W butali i in exchange f for or sec LO SEII see sec 29 T 12 N R 6 E utah this notice is for the purpose of allo allowing all persons having bona fide objections to the prop proposed ased exchange an opportunity to file their objections in this orlice fl together with evidence that a copy thereof r has been served on the applicant within 30 10 days from date of first publication li scott P stewart register Regist sr first publication sept 17 1913 1 see your local optometrist when in need a of f GLASSES DR W A FRENZEL beckwith building EVANSTON WYOMING A THE HOG THAT WILL NEVER GO TO MARKET 0 it its s a hog you dont see in this remember this story as you country landrade Lan drace is the breed market your livestock crops and a wonderful bacon hog developed other farm produce remember in denmark it and put every dollar you can the danes were just about the into U S war bonds every very best farmers in the world dollar you can 10 they were a thrifty people every dollar in bonds that through their farm cooperatives you can tor for your country and they produced and marketed for yourself your government livestock iv estock and farm products of needs that money now and you the finest quality yourself are making a sound investment successful and happy were vere these farmers until one day the the bonds never depreciate in m germans came they took the value you get a third more than hog they took all hogs they the original cost of the bonds in took the butter and the cheese ten years you can always cash and the cooperatives too like the bonds after sixty days if you vultures they picked denmark need the money buy now at to the bone your bank or post office au curtail spending put your savings into izar war bonds every payday |