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Show RICH OOUN FIGURE IT 1 1 RANDOLPH KEA14 TAH Locals OUT YOURSELF Mrs. Raplh Yates of Memphis, Tenn., came Sunday to Visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stanley. Mrs. Blair Findlay and sons of Ogden are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Johnson, and family, reunited at their home Sunday at a family dinner. This is the first. time the family has been together for over four years. IMiss Alice Hoffman was also present. Merrill will leave for his duties Tuesday evening by plane. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Corless were stage , passengers to Evanston Friday. Miss Elva Feller of Evanston came home Friday. Mr. and Mrs Dan Jackman were Evanston shoppers during the week. South Rich High Freshie Hop at Woodruff October 22nd. Victor Saterthwaite of Garden City in a War Plant j was in town Wednesday with a load out 1 could put of fruit. Mr. and iMrs. Thomas Norrig and son pay into Ben were business visitors at Evanston Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall and Mrs. Roy Spencer of Evanston were Randolph visitors last Friday, attending the James Kennedy funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoffman were also in Evanston on business. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Johnson and daughter Lois, and Miss Alice Hoffman, went to Salt Lake last Wednesday iO meet Merrill who arrived by Western Airlines from Los Angeles. He is on leave from the U. S. Navy, a six-da- y after serving overseas duty for fourteen months. Reed Lloyd and Alta Lloyd went io Logan Wednesday to see their father who ii3 in the hospital. Miss Barbara Pead and Miss Beverly Hanney" were last week end visitors at Evanston. U. S. T rtasury Department Mr. and Mrs. Lather Pead of Brigham City came Friday wor the deer hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Norris are visiting in California. Mearl Peart made a business trip to He was accompanied Ogden Friday. by Mrs. A. W. Larson and Mrs. Wm. Norris. Mi life'll qet this job done quicker and easier if you do your part on the Home Front by a lot buy mq more War Bonds throuqh the Payroll ' Savings Plan.. BONOS OVER AMERICA Its this story as you market your livestock, crops and other farm produce. Remember it and put every dollar you can into U. S. War .Bonds every a hog you dont see in this country. Landrace is the breed, Remember a wonderful bacon hog developed in Denmark. The Danes were just about the very best farmers in the world. dollar you can. ... Every dollar in Bonds that you can for your country and for yourself. Your Government needs that money now and you They were a thrifty people. Through their farm cooperatives they produced and marketed livestock and farm products of yourself are making a sound vestment. the finest quality. happy were these farmers until one day the Germans came. They took the Successful and I On the fringe of West Virginias NOTICE Home of Alex Campbell DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE. District Land Office, Salt Lake Citv, Utah, Aug. 30, 1943. Notice is hereby given that on June 26, 1941, L. W. Allen filed application 063146 under Section 8 of the Taylor Grazing Act, as amended, to select the SSW1!, NWtiSW1 sec. 28. T. 12 N., R. 4 W.,' S.L.M., Utah, in exchange for SWtiSE'Vi sec. 10, SEHNW, NW14NE14 sec. 29, T. J2 N R. 6 E., S.L.M., Utah. This notice is for the purpose of allowing all persons having bona fide objections to the proposed exchange an opportunity to file their objections in this office, together with evidence that a copy there-- j of has been served on the applicant within 30 days from date of first pub-- i licaition. , Scott P. Stewart, Register. First publication Sept. 17, 1943. U. S. Eithany College is an old white frame house, the home of Alexander Campbell a century ago. Son cf a Presbyterian, he founded the Disciples of Christ. H. Trotter, chief Nazi labor recruiter in Bel- i j gium has just said: The church in its protest against labor deportations is taking a political action which has Back the Attack With War Bonds ( i nothing in common with religion. I 4 Perry Hotel Salt Lakes cModern Hotel . . . $1.50 to $3.00 Broadway and WestTemple John Audubon the original cost of the Bonds in ten years. You can always cash the bonds after sixty days if you hog. They took all hogs. They took the butter and the cheese the cooperatives too. Like vultures, they picked Denmark to the bone. Vitb VJcr Doss o o o n need the money. Buy now your bank or post office. JT; WOODRUFF NEWS LAKETOWN NEWS home Sunday evening. Ralph Irwin went to Montpelier on After spending a week or more with Wednesday to see the dentist. Mr. and Mrs. Heber C. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jones and family, are visiting at Laramie, Wyo., with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dean returned their son Clayton H. and family and home Saturday evening. Mrs. L. Floyd Clarke and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralfch Harrison and Members of the High school were small daughter and Mrs. Hannah Harentertained at a party Wednesday rison came Saturday evening and spent How Long Is Length? the night and Sunday with Mr. and night at the home of Mrs. Gus Rich A length of pipe is approxiMrs. Orso Comia and .family. These at Ideal Beach. Friday night they mately 14 feet in length. had a treasure hunt. are relatives of Mrs. Cornias from Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Higgins and Bountiful. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Kearl were In Sacrment meeting Sunday the See your local optometrist Salt Lake visitors last week. Mrs. Bishop and his counselor gave a report on their instructions they received in Kearl remaining there for a few when in need of conference. They were very timely and days. Charles F. Eller of Salt Lake was may we all help to carry them out. GLASSES Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eastman went to visiting his family here for a few DR. W. A. FRENZEL Salt Lake Thursday and had the priv-ileddays. of going through the temple. Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Taylor and Beckwith Building Mrs. sons home Effa returned James, Wallace and Robert of Longhurst EVANSTON, WYOMING Salt Lake and David Kearl of Ogden Sunday from Ogden where she has been visiting Mrs. T. J. Tingey. Her were circulating among friends here son Leland brought her home. over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Putnam and famKenneth Myers, a soldier, who has , been stationed at Chicago, 111., is ily of Evanston were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Putnam home on a brief furlough with his Sunday. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Myers. Word has been received that LeRoy Mrs. Luella Adams and sons Hy-ruDean who is stationed in Las Vegas and Lane of Salt, Lake City were visiting at the ranch home of got a few days leave and went to San Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Nebeker over Every shipyard in our country is. Francisco and spent a few days with Sunday. Hyrum Adams of the armsetting amazing records in the con- his brother, Guy, who is in the meded forces is home on furlough. struction of a merchant marine so ical Corp there. We know these broessential to the transport of supplies thers would thoroughly enjoy themDr. J. S. Alley of Midvale, Utah, and men to the seven seas. The selves together. was visiting at his ranch at South overall cost of these hundreds of Frank Frodsham of Evanston spent Eden Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Hawkins and ships now building runs into mil the week end here helping his grandlions of dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Ross father Frank Frazier pick up potatoes. Cheney were Mr. and Mrs. Hubbert Faddis 'of Montpelier visitors Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Irwin and son Almy and Jerry spent Sunday afternoon visiting her father, Shelly Huf-fakConrad and Heber Irwin were Sunand her folks here. day visitors at the J.F. ranch with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoffman of the LeVere Nicholls family. Ralph took the D-- 4 tractor to Salt Lake Randolph were here Monday helping Mr. Chas. Cox gather in his potatoes. for repairs Monday. .Miss Joyce Rees left Monday to go to school in iSalt Lake. She is going to take a business course. We wish her Cokeville this week. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Cox nd William success. Mr. and Mrs. James Stuart motored motored, to Salt Lake Monday. Joe Neville went to Park City this to Provo Saturday afternoon and spent week. ; ; and of the night the day Sunday part with there her of Norma Jane them are Mary daughter called Victoand her family. ry ships and you are contributing to this victory by your Bob Cox spent the week end in Evanpurchase of War Bonds at least ten per- ston with Mr. nd Mrs. Earl Nebeker cent of your income, every payday. and family. Well need these ships after the Mrs. Mau Eastman is here visiting war, too, when Peace comes. her brother Frank Frazier, his wife, U runn Department and other relatives and friends here. El met and Verla Frazier motored to ge Wltai yut Btuf With WAR BONDS m er Only the knowledge of despotism, destruction, killing, maiming brings one to the surface of Naziism. It has no place for gentle souls; only Himmlers, Schleichers, von Papens, Heydrichs. at 9 - ia a byword to day. It is John James Audubon. Dacklao tha ItlssTx it 4! BONDS OVER AMERICA Hoop Oa it o FREE GARAGE Early in the 19th century a storekeeper and gristmill operator at Henderson, Kentucky, took to studying birds as an antidote for ennui and added much to mans knowledge of ornithology. His name it it i Beautifully Furnished RATES: o it Popular Priced 1 4 in- The Bonds never depreciate In value. You get a third more than --- i - ... ' V |