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Show .V TOE RICH , COUNTY THE RICH COUNTY REAPER RANDOLPH, UTAH REAPER Entered ci second class matter Feb. 8, 1929. st the Post Office, Randolph, Utah, under th Act of March 1 1879. Wm. E. Marshll. Man" SUBSCRIPTION 81.50 Per Tear in Advance, Layton Mart ha 1. Edita- - ana Propr.e... WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS By Edward C. Wayne Over There Blaine Minded Not Abuse, Just So He Wasnt Ignored Japanese Lose Heavily atrMacassar When Dutch and U. S. Forces Unite; Compromise Price Control Passes; Additional Food Rationing-Forecas- FLOCKS COMFORT NETS MORE EGGS t Hen Protection Is Vital Need In Winter Season. By C. expressedln these columns, they (EDITORS NOTE When pinlens are are theee ot the newe nnelyet and not neeeeearily of thin newepaper.) (Released by Weetern Newspaper Union.) F. PARRISH (Poultryman, North Carolina State College.) When the cold winds of winter blow, thats the time to think of the comfort of the farm poultry flock. A comfortable house, free from drafts, will help to keep the birds free from common winter ailments and aid them in producing a maximum number of eggs. Then, too, each bird should have at least 3V2 to 4 square feet of floor space. If the flock is crowded, additional space should be provided or the number culled down to a point where the birds may be comfortable in present quarters. Water that has been heated to knock the chill off, or fresh from the well early each morning, will do much to prevent a cold snap from causing a sharp drop in egg production. For less trouble, autowarmmatic electric or ers should be installed. The feeding of one pound of alfalfa leaf meal per 100 birds will be a satisfactory substitute for green feed if the dry fall prevented the sowing of a grazing crop. If the flock is properly housed and cared for and not more than 30 to 40 eggs per 100 hens are received daily,' then there may be something wrong with the health or breeding of the -- oil-heat- There was no sightseeing for these Axis evacuees from South America as they' went through the Panama Canal Zone to the United States. Part of the group of 111 persons, including seven German and seven Italian diplomats, are pictured debarking from the special train which carried them across the isthmus. Uncle Sam took no chances of any Axis sightseeing, which would have been possible had the passage been made by boat. MACASSAR: First Victory birds. Although it is too late to change the laying flock this year, the poultryman should give careful thought to the kind of breeding males he uses next year, or the sources from which he purchases his baby chicks, it is advised. 1 I AGRICULTURE IN INDUSTRY I By Florence C. Weed (This is one ol a series of articles showing how i arm products are finding an important market in industry.) Walnuts and Furniture Those stately ancestral walnut trees that grow about a home place are seldom thought of as farm income. Yet individual walnut trees will sometimes bring from $50 to $100 each, occasionally more. The price is as high as $500 per thousand feet for the best wood, the highest price of any wood grown on the g In the farm. states, farmers have sold as much as $2,500,000 in walnut logs annually. Furniture manufacturers buy the greatest part of the wood but the more inferior grades bring good prices for gun stocks, automobile steering wheels, airplane propellers and musical instruments. In its unpainted state, the wood is one ol: the most beautiful and has lasting beauty when finished. It is very durable and does not check or warp. Much of the fine old heirloom furniture is made of solid walnut. Modern pieces are now often made oJ! veneer which is young walnut steamed to produce the effect walnut-producin- sap-wo- of better class wood. Americans had hailed the Battle Macassar straits as the first definite American victory over the Japanese, worked out in conjunction with the indomitable Dutch. The action amounted to the virtual trapping of a large Jap convoy in the straits, probably heading for a frontal assault on Java or Sumatra, and its virtual decimation with heavy losses in men and ships for the Nippon forces.' The fight lasted several days, and a number of Japanese warships were engaged by light American naval vessels including destroyers and submarines, and by considerable forces of airplanes. " One of the earliest ships sent to the bottom in the engagement was a Jap aircraft carrier, and if she was not sunk she was immobilized by a direct torpedo hit, and that meant she was useless as a carrier. This meant instant air supremacy for the American-Dutc- h forces, and they went to work without mercy. One vessel after another was destroyed and as others were damaged and the Japs attempted to keep their convoy intact by slowing their pace to that of the slowest vessel, they were hopelessly trapped. It apparently took more than six days for the Japs to negotiate the less than journey through the straits, and the toll was upward of 31 vessels. The engagement showed several things that strong air reinforcements had arrived from the United States into the area; that they were being deployed effectively to prevent a further southward Japanese invasion of the East Indies; that American naval units, once at grips with the Japs, could give a good account of themselves ; that the early toll of two ships a day could easily be enlarged to a deadly amount of shipping, an amount which the Japanese could not lose and continue their pace in the South Pacific. of od 500-mi- le The annual nut crop brings a steady income to growers year after year. There is a ready market for nut meats at 12 to 15 cents per pound in small quantities or five dollars per bushel in large quantities. PRICES: Scientists have improved the walnut by producing a variety with a larger Bill Passed The passage of the compromise percentage of meat than shell. , The walnut tree grows on ground price control bill, setting ceilings on of fairly low fertility and offers a 74 commodities, brought to a head a situation which now was in the profitable enterprise for many farmers who want to add another source hands of the government, namely of income. inflation of commodity prices. From this point on it would be a criminal offense to sell anything Rural Briefs above the ceiling price. The senate vote had been at a ratio than the house, 65 to 14. higher Less fence wire, steel fence posts President Roosevelt had been expectand nails will be available for farmed to name Leon Henderson to the ers use in 1942. post of price administrator, set up Three rats eat and destroy enough in the bill. Henderson had been doing what feed in one year to carry two laying he could along this line from his hens on a poultry farm. OPACS office, and had been placed in the War Productions board under Buttons for American soldiers uniforms are being made of the Nelson. All Hendersons previous work, casein of milk at the rate of 12,- wherever it did not conflict with the 000,000 a week. ceilings in the bill, immediately was validated, and became the law of The U. S. department of agriculthe land, just as though congress itture has developed a hybrid popself had announced the ceilings. corn which gives a bigger and betMaximum penalties were one ter pop and is more tender. year in prison and a $5,000 fine Oil extracted from grape seeds in for willful violations of the law. A fight had been expected against e substiItaly is used as a tute for linseed and olive oils in the Henderson on the grounds that the former administrator had been making of soap, paint and lacquers. close to the President, who himself had been chief critic of the bill k war-tim- LUZON: MacArthurs Fight Though MacArthurs men were admittedly in a' desperate position, it had become evident that he was getting at least some reinforcement, as his latest communiques had told and of American fighter planes, also of the work of PT boat squadrons in Subic bay and at other points, probably near Corregidor. But it had not been believed that MacArthurs army had any airplanes left, therefore his report that Curtis 0 fighters had downed a number of Jap bombers led many to think that they might have been flown in there from a distant base. How many of the Japanese estimated Luzon army of 300,000 was able to get at MacArthurs men in their tiny front on Bataan peninsula was a problem, as many of them naturally would have to be holding the rear and supply lines against constant harassment of guerrilla bands of Filipinos. P-4- RATIONING: To Increase s Maj. Gen. James E. Chaney of the U. S. Air Corps, who has been made commanding general of the U. S. army forces in the British isles, is pictured above. He has a high rating as both a combat pilot and combat observer. His headquarters wilt be somewhere on the British isles. REINFORCEMENTS: For 10 Areas The arrival of a considerable force of American troops in northern Ireland had been an exciting bit of news which the press leaped on with avidity, and which brought from the White House the statement that this was but one of six, eight or ten areas to which reinforcements had been sent. Pressing the President for more information, newsmen succeeded in getting the revelation that help is being rushed with all possible speed into the Pacific war theater. Nothing was said officially about the identity of the Northern Ireland troops, but the fact that a major general was named commander and that his staff included brigadiers led many to believe it was at least a division. News dispatches from Ireland, passed by censorship, used the words from their training ground in Louisiana and the fact that they come had from midwestern homes, but this was as close to identification as the war department would permit. President DeValera criticized the sending, said his government should have been consulted, but though President Roosevelt recalled that DeValera was a warm personal friend, he expressed no sympathy with his viewpoint. The soldiers were there, reportedly eager for a crack at the Nazis, and getting accustomed to British fare, living conditions and surroundings. The President was positive in stating that aid of the strongest sort was being poured into the Pacific theater of the war, and war department estimates of the total manpower of the Japanese in that area was Additional rationing was deemed a certainty, with the placing of k basis. sugar on a In fact, it was known that those who controlled the priorities were frowning even on some of the civilian defense activities. Among these were the indiscriminate knitting of sweaters, which was said to have a bearing on a possible shortage of wool. Another was the selling of commodities in tin cans when they could be otherwise packaged or sold in bulk. Among the list was baking 1,000,000 men. powder, beer, biscuits, candy, conROMMEL: fectionery, cereals and flour, chocolate and cocoa, coffee, dog food, petroleum products, spices and con- Drive Halted diments and tobacco. The counter-driv- e by Gen. Erwin Shipbuilders were being asked so Rommels troops in Libya, which to design their ships that they coulc had hurled the British back over use steel of the type milled for autoconsiderable ground to a former batmobiles somewhat narrower plates. tleground near Bengasi, had apparLeon Henderson would be in ently been halted with a terrific charge of retail rationing, anc blast of air power, causing the GerJames S. Knowlson in charge of mans huge losses. As Churchill told the house of that which occurred in industrial commons that the German-Italia- n quarters, it was announced. casualties had been three times that RUSSIANS:, of the British, his cohorts in North Africa had just finished a devastatFind Going Tougher As the Russians announced that ing blow to the Germans, which the last live German had been re- many believed had halted them in moved from Moscow province, and their tracks. The advance from Agedabia to that the invaders in the Rhzev area near Bengasi had found the Gerwere trapped and doomed, and as mans forced to halt for a time to ever to Smocloser they swarmed their supply services, and lensk, they reported that the Nazi organize the British took advantage of this resistance was growing stiffer. to do the same. This, the Red high command said, respite But the R.A.F. moved forward to was to be expected, but they drew much cheer from the fact that one attack the supply lines, and reported the destruction of literally hunvictory was following another still, dreds of vehicles including tanks and that the general tactical camand that they had reduced the Gerwas paign shaping up well. One expert in Red tactics said man rear to utter and hopeless confusion. much credit was being given to a new Russian system of putting fairly heavy artillery into the front line MISCELLANY: with the infantry. This, he pointed out, was a bold New York: Joseph Lash, friend of procedure, but one which the Germans, with nothing heavier than Mrs. Roosevelt and one of her protrench mortars in the front line, teges, for whom a naval commission had been sought and refused, had were finding it difficult to combat. to The Russians have 46 mm. guns been changed from and and some 76s in the front lines, and had not claimed or asked deferment., Washington: The justice depart-though they are not so mobile, they are even being handled by man- ment has ordered the removal of all power 'when horses cannot be found enemy aliens from vital defense ' to draw them. areas throughout the nation. pound-a-wee- James G. Blaine, the famous American statesman, at one time was being bitterly attacked by a leading New York newspaper. His friends were fearful that this adverse publicity would harm his career, and pleaded with him to come to some understanding with the paper. One old friend of his, who was on good terms with the editor, was pertain that he could exert some influence and offered to intercede with the editor. Dont bother, said the shrewd I dont mind being Blaine, I amr not forabused, so long-agotten. 1-- H 1-- A Evenly Paced Quiet minds can not be perplexed or frightened, but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock R. L. during a thunderstorm. Stevenson. Ho.No."DoiftSayItJ Tired Hold hasty b 0 words! and overthose worked you may have eaten too hastily. ThenEXCESS ACID, indigestion, heartburn. ADLA Tablets with Bismuth and Carbonates bring quick relief and make you more agreeable. Your druggist has ADLA (AUlf Tablets. Friendly Books He who loveth a book will never want a faithful friend, a wholesome counsellor, a cheerful companion, or an effectual comforter. Isaac Barrow. Relief At Last ForYour Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly because It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION For Coughs, Chest Colds, B ronchitis Elevation and Merit There is merit without elevation, but there is no elevation without some merit. La Rochefoucauld. HOTEL BEN LOMOND II Enw-I- H Baths . tl.lt to S4.H Family Koosaa far 4 psrsonin - $4.M Air Cooled Loungs and Lobby Dining Boom Coffee Shop Tap Boom Home of Botary Elwanb Executive Exchange Optimist' 0 20-8- Chamber of Co mm ore and Ad Club Hotel Ben Lomond OGDEN. UTAH . Mm VUcfc. Kp. Hsbsrt |