Show NOT EL j FOR discriminating TRAVELERS A beautiful interior with unrivalled cordiality and charmin the most ideal location in the city luxurious tastefully appointed rooms service true to the traditional hospitality of 0 the west unexcelled cuisine famous empire room GUY ir fw aff ROOMS FROM managing director I 1 jin t j 7 m 4 0 1 RAY DURNFORD I 1 and an d J ARTHUR DURNFORD grade AA conference funeral directors and L licensed icen sed embalmers for UTAH and WYOMING strictly up to date funeral car and ambulance service anywhere at any time lady attendant when necessary ISec essary office main st A day phone 49 night phone 49 or 90 4 NEW 1938 STOCK FROM OLD 10 ahw WITH i 0 W A L L P A I 1 E K R 16 ANS SHOE t EXPERT PAINTS VA BEST OF MATERIAL t WE ARE equipped TO hanf HANDLE HANDIE DLE DIE ALL OF harniss if you art ait going to SADDLE REPAIR WORK your home lz s spring you will 0 IF IT IS WE OF OF LEATHER aurely want w to see se our now new line WE REPAIR IT the prices TC ire reasonable rea ablo too tn SHOE ALICE 11 II MO 40 main st phone 44 U H L atkinson Atkins cn prop Dr branston anston wyoming blain in street evanton evandon Ev anton wyo i classified ads MALE HELP WANTED RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on farmers in rich county no experience or capital required steady stead work make up to a nay day write mr W D CAMPBELL clearfield utah T women addre address and mail advertising material for us at home we supply y everything good rate of pay no selling no experience necessary merchandise MART BOX milwaukee wisconsin adv june 17 24 july 1 8 1938 LEWIS longhurst r notary public LICENSED D abstractor of rich county utah of making makine deeds ancl anc tillet ti bleb 0 O t R DWIGHT DWIGH T WALLACE 5 attorney at law evanston national bank building evanston wyomia ny WHEN IN EVANy el ANSTON iON EAT AT THE STANDARD CIFU CAFE QUALITY COURTEOUS serica SERI Cj evanston cash grocery mr and mrs robert mitchell FORMERLY G H evanston wyoming 1 S THE PANTRY IS F EVERY housewives FIRST AND NO DOUBT MOST TROUBLE troublesome SOJIE PROBLEM LE LET ler r US HELP YOU WITH IT TO REALLY LOWER YOUR LOUR GROCERY BILL IT IS NECESSARY TO SAVE ON ALL ITEMS PURCHASED ANT AND NOT JUST ONE OR olt TWO SPECIALS WE INVITE YU YOU TO coar PARE OUR PRICES ON ANY QUANTITY OF GROCERIES NEEDED IF THERE ARE particular SPECIALS WE HAVE THEM AND YOUR OTHER requirements CAN BE PURCHASED AT LOWER PRICES every day for one week june I 1 le to inclusive CATSUP mt lomond no 2 can 15 SODA ats al A l 1 two pound box 17 CHEESE ISI mild 5 A alb brick 70 CHEESE nippy pound 25 SYRUP Hew letts pure cane and maple 12 gal 59 SALAD DRESSING dinner club qt jar 23 25 PORK and BEANS no 21 2 can 10 RAISINS thompsons Thomp sons seedless 4 lb ib package 25 WAX PAPER butrite Cu trite large size 15 I 1 SOAP A B naptha giant bars 10 tor for 30 BAKING POWDER 11 IC 0 25 oz C cans ans 1 17 7 t TOILET TISSUE jaytee 6 large rolls 25 t Z I 1 lt MALLOWS I 1 lb ib cello package 12 4 CRYSTAL 11 1 L WHITE SOAP 10 bars 33 PUFFED WHEAT 2 packages for 19 T CORN MEAL globe al A l 1 9 ib b bag tor for V 33 FLOUR north star fine quality 48 ib bag t COFFED schillings I 1 lb ib tin 2 ib tin 57 SUGAR fine granulated 25 lb ib doth bag 1 10 4 WE OFFER LOWEST PRICES IN CASE LOTS t IF YOU KEEP LN IN TOUCH WITH OUR PRODUCE department YOUR FRUITS FOR CANNING CAN BE HAD AT PRICES THAT THERE ARE NONE LOWER FULL UNE LINTE OF FEEDS AT ALL AIL TIMES FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OF OR MORE ra fr PHONES store residence 4 44 rj brjch aich co furn go co general merchandise we carry the best brands of or groceries and dry goods the market affords you will find i our prices reasonable and our service prompt 0 and efficient you can buy the famous mon arch ranges on time easy payments also philco radios speed queen washers f i we have some nice rugs and furniture on hand prices are very reasonable let us furnish your home or equip your ranch t buy an international truck t the best truck on the market see Us for anything you need lorllys GREATEST G and hatching eggs D s fighting game cochi 10 to 50 game pullets 3 to 0 game gaine hatching eggs to 0 6 for 15 flat latching ching eggs 4 of hen duck goose turkey one month old IL pullets illets and cockerels cockerell Cocker els EYE eveny RY KIND OF COCKS laying pullets 1 write HATCHERY rockmart Rock mart georgia t give us your order for printing A THE MODERN LINING in a new design new colourings denof men of discrimination whether 4 slim or stout insist up comfort as well as fit and are therefore demanding the modern J B EASE castex Vest back now available in a wide range of harmonizing harmon ising shades have you ever beening been in A straight jacket probably not but most of us have had that uncomfortable feeling perhaps weve gained a little weight and our vest is to tight light maybe weve dined or wined too heartily whatever the reason J B EASE Vest back made with I 1 the ie miracle castex Las tex yarn allowing an expansion of three to four inches assures a lifetime life time of ease and comfort dave smith s barber shop |