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Show THE RICH COUNTY REAPER, RANDOLPH, UTAH CI'gSSlEIED, AIT IS TTMAETT DEPARTMENT HOTELS SALT LAKE HOTEL PLANDOME, 4th So. State Rates $1.00 to $2.00 RESPECTABLE CLEAN QUIET NEVADA atop at the When in RENO HOTEL GOLDEN Renoa largest and most popular hotel THE WILSON HOTEL in the heart of the city Rates 75c ap. 36 E. 2nd So. St. Salt Lake By RUTH COMFORT MITCHELL - COPYRIGHT D. APPLETON CENTURY CO., INC. SYNOPSIS her forward in her seat, and then were thumping along over a Sarah Lynn Dana, youngest ot the Dana they women o f Danavale, Calif., chafes at the field, terrestrial again, all glory life approved by her mother, gone. They turned and drew up Adelaide, who is trying to marry her to presently in front of brightly lighted Duncan Van Doren, Detroit society youth. buildings with a big group of people Dana, pioneer, and community matriarch, recognizes in the before them. An attendant came girl the restless adventurousness of the running to meet them. dark Danas, a trait shared by her and Gunnar Thorwald did not leave Cousin Sally Ann Dana, traveler and author, and pleads with Sally Ann to take the girl his seat. He spoke through the abroad. Uncle d Great-Grann- ; ' , . ' - y covered-wago- Lynn, n wheelchair invalid, adds his plea to Sally Ann to save Sarah Lynn, as does the girls young brother. Bill. Another plea comes from Miss Pennington, Penny, adoring governess of the girl, saying she is unhappy and misunderstood. At a family dinner party, Sally Ann first hears of Keaton Danas wife, who runs a roadhouse called the Stewed Prune, and is trying to wangle a flight with Gunnar Thorwald, Norwegian ace, famous tor his refusal to fly women, through their mutual friend, Jim Allison Gunnar Thorwald arrives with Jim Allison, and Sarah Lynn is attracted to him Duncan invites her to the Stewed Prune. Sarah Lynn refuses to drink anything but ginger ale, which Ardine herself serves Cousin Mary Dana Webster tells Sarah she suspects Ardine and her friends of framing on Gunnar and Sarah Lynn, in an increasing stupor, decides to warn him. When Gunnar arrives, angry at Jim Allison for missing he hears Sarah Lynn cry, Go connections, away I Dont come ini Ladybug. fiy away and sees her carried out to the home, ladies room, unconscious Gunnar arrives at the airport and he is told Allison is ill Sarah Lynn, partly out of her stupor, imagines the sensations of flying, with Gunnar at the controls. Gunnar, flying to Los Angeles, senses someone standing behind him ultra-moder- n sweet voice, WNU SERVICE .... CLAY PRODUCTS are you in a jam? all right, Sarah Lynn sec, will you, Kit? I want to get thi two of you together, .with your train ROOFING TILE FACE BRICK Sewer Pipe and Flue Lining said stiffly. and her blanket. Boy, is this a wow all CLAY PRODUCTS Well, is that nice? Throwing you or is this a wow? He beckoned ta UTAH FIRE CLAY CO. . SALT LAKE out like a stack of mail! Is that a a man with a camera who cama PHOTO FINISHING All right, Mike; good old Norse custom? swiftly forward. Coin. Roll Dev with Prints O I want to telephone make it snappy. gj DESERET No stamps. PHOTO OC The bride arranged her veil and SERVICE. Here Ill show you! She picked P. O. Boa 88. Salt Lake City. Ut. settled the little lace cap, and thrust FILMS DEVELOPED 8 beautiful up her glistening train. Beveled Prints in Deluxe Album, also Sarah Lynn followed her. Is this her arm through Sarah Lynns. 2 35c coin. Deluxe enlarging coupons, Come along, babe! Well, will you Photos, Fresno? window. Box Portland, Oregon Well, for Petes sake! Didnt you look whos here!" Films developed 8 EMBOSSO PHOTOS Thorwald, San Jose to GlenSarah Lynn glanced up. There superb, wide border, embossed Panel Prints know where you were landing? Yes, dale. 2 and coupons, 25c coin. Embosso this is Fresno, and heres your was a soft explosion, a dazzling Photos,enlarging Gas? Box 2li-Portland, Oregon. flash. booth. Ill wait for you. Nothing. I land a passenger. good negative. 25c a roll. Slick! the reporter said glee- 2 Prints, eachService. said Sarah Thank Lynn you, Reprints 3c each. Without looking round, he indicated SERVICE BEST PHOTO a She knockout! fully. Its Sarah Lynn with a motion of his coldly. Its not necessary. P. O. Box 507, Salt Lake in out Oh! cried Sarah first time for the her at looked Lynn fully shoulder. FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRS Did he take our picture? The man opened the door and and took in the details of white panic. be He would blosmother mustnt! My veil and Makes satin and Pens and Pencils Points ExAll orange filmy thrust in his head. Getting out, soms. changed All Parts Held, Shaefer, Parker, Dont you worry! I know how Waterman I mustnt keep you from Service. Pens Pencils. lady? she said his stuff turns out we might as well HELD PEN SHOP - - - - Sait Lake City Oh, thats all right! I yes, I suppose Sarah Lynn Belles of Its just one of my wed- be a coupla Native we BUILDING MATERIAL got to her feet, tripping over the easily. Here and are, hon! in village. Married blanket, gathering it clumsily into dings! to Frisco andHollywood INTERSTATE BRICK CO. a to She Sarah Lynn set the ship shepherded Fire Clay her arms. The attendant reached a flying Building and Fire Brick car streamwith white of Vitrified Sewer Hollow bunch to garlanded to a hello down Building Tile say hand to help her. Hoof and Mantel. Dram Tile Pipe Go ahead and telephone ers. Californian hotel, Tommy, my 3180 Hv. .10. S. 11th E., SALT LAKE The Norwegian ace did not turn and let er lad, had man step! The folks. young your his head as she went by him. OFFICE EQUIPMENT The instant they were out of hearsomeI am sorry, Sarah Lynn began followed them and he said himself the upon AND USED desks and chairs, files, NEW ing hung youth She to her in a low tone. adding inch's, safes, unsteadily. Then the words came thing the telephone and shouted a num- typewriters, dearshut nodded. the Dont door, S. L. DESK EX., 363 S. State. Sait Lake. in a rush. No, Im not! Im glad, ie ber. youll smother in that box. Ill ATHLETIC GOODS glad! It was the most wonderful, stand Hello! Nick? Say, feller, just pin right here. a What glorious ol listen! back the and ears GOOD ATHLETIC GREAT WESTERN The youth lit a cigarette and The pilot was silent, eyes set forUniforms, Bats, Gloves, Baseballs, Softballs, Thorwald, Gunnar Ready? story! hearwithin but strolled away, kept Vollyballs, Athletic shoes, etc. ward. SCHOOL SUPPLY CO. Salt Lake. Norwegian ace, who has just flown ing distance. Look out, lady! Low bridge! a taken who and had I want Danavale 3704. Yes. Its the Atlantic, FEMALE HELP WANTED the attendant warned her. in his of San Jose. I want to vow never to fly a woman Fresfor Lady to Demonstrate Opening Sarah Lynn, looking at Gunnar, a suburb at down Good Pay Edwin ship, set the Hermod CHARM COSMETICS lifted her chin defiantly and struck speak to Mr. Dana Mr. no at 2:45 a. m. and unceremoniWrite 169 East Bdy Salt Lake City. Utah Dana. her forehead on the casing of the Lynn landed Miss Sarah Dana, of ICE CREAM FREEZERS There was at once panic and re- ously famous the colony, ex- assurance in the sound of her fa- elusive suburbDanavale SODA FOUNTAINS ICE CREAM COUNhe drew a reviv- TER FREEZERS and Ice Cream cabinets thers voice, thick, drowsy, amazed. of San on went and breath Bar Fixtures, Stools, Carbonators, Steam ing Its Sarah Lynn. Im at Fresno. Jose, Also reconditioned equipment terms. a Tables and I got a picture thats Manufacturers Fresno. Why, I flew honey the gal in a formal and a 55 Post Office Place CO. - - Salt Lake City dojvn. Flew! With Gunnar Thor- blanket blanket, yeah, MOTORCYCLES wald. What? I dont know where beside Kitty Medill, standing Duncan is. Oh, Dad, please Ill Wild Woman of the Air, Hollywoods HARLEY Prices ''Write for catalogue. Motorcycles explain everything when I see you. fool and her nth Used HOUSE OF HOPPER, 140 E. Bdy Salt Lake How can I get home? I havent any bridegroom! POSTCARDS She was money. silent, listening. Yes, at the Fresno airport. Shall of the Address Postcards, 2c each paid in advance, The big and beautiful lobby details FREE. CLAUDIA MAILING I wait here? What? All right. Yes; Hotel Californian was and lit dimly Dept. 10. Mishawaka, Indiana. the Californian hotel and ask for the exquisite Regency drowsy, PILES Mr. Pond. How soon can you get cocktail room was asleep, but the here? Tell Mother not to worry, fnan behind the desk was widehome treatment, guaranteed. PILES, original Free booklet. Write Dept. WN. P. O. Box please! Im perfectly all right. Yes awake and cordial. 968, Hollywood. I understand Mr. Pond, CaliforWhy, hello, Miss Medill! Then AGENTS WANTED nian hotel. Her voice, thin, he laughed. Beg pardon! I mean, AGENTS WANTED strained, hoarse, warmed suddenly. Mrs. Van Dalton! life insurReliable, old and Oh, Dad, it was glorious gloriOld stuff, big boy. Dont you ance company, desires representatives in Good-band Utah in Wyoming. ous! yes. community ever read the papers? Sure, Im an- every Liberal commissions and splendid opporuni-tie- s The young man came close to other bride. I checked the groom for advancement. Write STANLEY D. President, PATHFINDER LIFE INher, speaking with controlled ex- out at the field while I brought you LONG, SURANCE COMPANY, Grand Island, Neb. Dana? Miss Youre citement. a customer. This is Miss Dana FENCES From Danavale? I used to work on from up north. She was flying to the newspapers in San Jose. You Los and changed her mind, and flew down with Gunnar Thorwald? she wants to stay till her folks come Wonderful new controllers designed for greatWell, of course you did, he grinned, for her. Make her comfortable, will er effectiveness and improved safety. Each unit electrifies ten miles of fence. Priced Did he take our picture? but what I mean is, werent you you? from $12 up to $24.65 postpaid. Battery or all the way to Glendale with operated. Salesmen Wanted. Gladly! His puzzled gaze went power low door, and the man helped her going INTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC FENCE CO. him? to Sarah bridal her from finery Portland. Oregon to the ground, the blanket trailing. Sarah Lynn said briefly, Lynns blanket. No, Will you register, She raged at herself. Must she al- aware HEARING AIDS now of the avid curiosity in Miss Dana? A buzzer sounded beways be grotesque before him? Al- his gimlet gaze. hind him and he turned to answer DEAFNESS AIDED ways a figure for scorn and loathIsnt it a fact he vowed hed the telephone. Yes, Mr. Pond? ing? a woman up in his just arrived this minute. Very well, never Secure a hearing aid fitted to your intake dividual needs, by the manufacturer of Say, is that Gunnar Thorwald? He turned back to Mr. Pond. BETTER Aids for Better Hearing Feller that flew the ocean? the ship? Yes. since 1902. telethem. Miss Dana, your father attendant wanted to know excitedly. And then he kidnaps you in a phoned. Mr. and Mrs. Pond will be Yes." blanket and right down. Wont you have a Well gosh! Hey, Eddie! Thats 268 So. State St. - - Salt Lake City defended him chair? she not! He did You know the Gunnar Thorwald! Phone Waa. 7004 for Free Demonstration Then everythings jake, and here It wasnt his fault I mean, hotly. Norwegian ace? conintend he she the bride! She waved aside didnt stopped, goes The The other camg running. fused. Sarah Lynns stammered thanks deuce it is! Why, sure thats his out he like a did with you heavily Why jeweled, welldump he ship, all right. Hi, fellers! to which him was slightly hand set ask Didnt decorated that? you Know waved a beckoning arm. You tell your Big Swede But Fresno? down at didnt you you grimey.' who that is? Gunnar Thorwald! did you? I I dont like his firemans hat! Tell Sarah Lynn was aware of a gath- know it was itFresno, a was pretty wild him all the regulars over here wear guess maybe ering group as the plane took off. it? Do you mind tellboudoir caps. She gave her a comwasnt party, Can you feature that? one of EXCURISON RATES how me Dont let it get you just radely hug. the workmen said in a low tone. ingThe bride She spread out put a protective arm down, dearie! By! Just came down to dump her, about the her eyes satin her thin train, dropped forlorn, figure. Lay huh? 37 Saving on folded with her off it Beanie! the reserve, maidenly Isnt interview. Yeah; threw her out like she was a went of out and the with to hands out and lobby get girls privilege a sack of mail. Round Trip Fares slow and timid steps, balancing unAnd look at her! Whats the big walk home when she wants to? a lit- certainly on the balls of her feet Dane Great the got Probably idea? at every pace, humming tenderly SAMPLE FARES:" too primitive and she A large and noisy element was tle comes bride the Here No! the said girl vehemently. added to the crowd, pouring out of Salt Lake to Los Angeles The hotel man and his wife came It wasnt. his fault! I told you it a man in the bright waiting-roo$4344 Round Trip his fault! She walked away hurrying down immediately, kind, evening dress, a girl in bridal cos- wasnt Mr. Pond understood concerned. Butte to Salt Lake them, her blanket spreading tume, half a dozen men and girls from perfectly: her father had explained 2431 Round Trip with flowers and old shoes and rice out behind her like a train, and the asked to and situation them to uniformed the attendant. spoke and confetti, all staring at Sarah Salt Lake to Yellowstone make her at home until he arrived: I want a taxi, please. Lynn. 2000 Round Trip was a privilege to be of some it bride ran the Wait! after her. A man in the companys uniform r. to her 1 service daugh-tefathers came up to her, touching his cap. 'Theres a flock of cars here. Ill slight Look drive you. Vacations the DeLuxe and Beg pardon! Is there anything we have somebody (TO BE CONTINUED) can do for you? Would you like a Ill come with you myself! Saving WAE. Sarah Please dont trouble, taxi? I mean, where are you goUse of Osage Orange Early I want a taxi, Lynn was rigid. In the early days farmers turned ing? To San Jose; ta Danavale. She please. to osage orange for wood to make No trouble, lambie! Hi, Larry I' fellowes (or rims) of wagon wheels. turned round then, coming out of hailed the groom. she Listen, an Pioneer wives used to make a yelher abstraction, painfully aware, suddenly, of the curious throng. Her gel; Im driving this child to the low dye from the wood of the tree, face flamed. She gathered up the hotel. Back in a jif. She flung her while a tanning mixture can be Reservations at your Hotel, Western blanket and shook it and tried to long white gloved arms about him made from the bark. Indians used Union, Postal Telegraph, or our ofhim a for as wood cinema their and bows. her. the osage painstaking gave wrap it around fices at Los Angeles, Las Vegas, No, of course I wont run The tree was called Bois dArc We havent another plane to- kiss. Salt Lake, Pocatello, Idaho Falls, out on you, beautiful! You just stay (wood of the bow) by the French in Yellowstone, Butte, Helena, night. here and play with your wooden the South. So valuable was an osage I must telephone my father, Great Falls or Glacier. soldiers and the first thing you know bow that sometimes a horse and a Where Sarah Lynn said. blanket represented the price of a The bride ran after her and itll be Christmas morning! Week No. 3825 SALT LAKE WNU oite of excellent grain and man to a in The lisher ot arm. her good hold young spoke Say, caught Hold low a for voice. a she said in everything high, ten, sister, Im quite Art-Pan- 391-- -- Mo-zame- nit-wit- e s. s. . UTAH-1DAH- CHAPTER V Continued 5 Oh, she glorious glorious! stammered. I dont understand Am I here? flying away in the her , night? Am I still pretending teeth were chattering with cold, with excitement in the Stewed Prune?-It- so wonderful s did so splen- MOSER-HARTMA- N It was not Ardine Dana, but the dark, thin girl with the lost and lonely look he had noticed at the Henry' Dana house, whom he had seen again, maudlin with drink. But now her face was white and her eyes, blazed with thrilled rapture, and she seemed, to be transported with a wild, incredulous joy. Happy, triumphant over the success of their trick! Keep away from me, drunken fool! he said savagely. There was a stifled wail behind him but he did not look around. He busied himself with directions. Where granted that he must forego the pleasure of pitching hereout in mid-ai- r was the first place he could land her? Anywhere he could get his ship down with a semblance of safety! , Unless he carried her all the way . . to Los Angeles or Glendale, which was his destination and that was unthinkable he must apparently detour to a place called Fresno. A stealthy look, presently, showed him that she had settled herself in . a seat, a blanket wrapped around . her. Her face was pressed against the window, but she turned and saw him and started to rise again. I must tell you" she began ur--' gently, her voice shrill above the - motor. You must listen to me! 1 wasnt I wasnt They gave me She started to stand something up, to come forward agajn. He made an imperative gesture. Keep back. Do not come here. Stay where you are. She dropped beside the window, huddling under ' her blanket, peering out into the quiet sky. - 1 - , CHAPTER VI Miss Pennington that her charge never wept, even in childhood, but Sarah Lynn was crying now, bitterly and uncontrollably, salt tears running - into her mouth, shivering under her woolly coverings. In spite of the cold, the stinging, biting air, she was seared and shrivs eled by the flame of Gunnar scorn and contempt. Keep away from me, drunken always-marvele- Thor-wald- fool! The Lynn, hideous irony of it Sarah in the mad tempo of fourth generation Danavale because she would never take a drink! She looked at his rigid shoulders, at the relentless angle of the head in the sternly classic helmet and absolved him utterly. Why shouldnt he have believed the worst of her, seeing her there in that loathsome place, and staggering and babheavy-eye- d flat-tir- e bling? Im not afraid! Im not the least she exulted. particle afraid. I adore it. This wont be the last I wont let it be. Im going tin to I. all my life. Its fun! O Its heavenly! Its the kingdom and the power and the glory! There was a bump which threw stunt-flyinge- st SYS-TE- y. ELECTRIC FENCES . Acoustican Institute |