Show dr johnson relished tea more than remarks made M f ANY have had a fellow feeling t 1 for good old doctor johnson who while willing to jest about the quantity of tea he drank did not relish the comments of his friends he had his own conception of good manners and such remarks appeared to him unmannerly says agnes in her delightful book to think of tea one night at mr richard Cum berlands sir joshua reynolds the famous painter reminded him that he had drunk eleven cups johnson deeply affronted replied sir I 1 did not count your glasses of wine why should you number up my cups of tea then according to Cum cumberland beland he grew suddenly good humored laughed and said sir I 1 should have released the lady from any further trouble it if it had not been for your words but you have reminded me that I 1 lack one of the dozen and I 1 must request mrs cumberland to round up my number this his hostess hastened to do turning upon her a kind and cheerful look he took the twelfth cup with an air that was almost apologetic madam he said 1 I must tell you for your comfort that you have escaped much better than a certain lady did a while ago upon whose patience I 1 intruded more tore than I 1 have done upon yours but the lady asked me for no other purpose but to make a zany of me and set me gabbling babbling gab bling to a parcel of people I 1 knew nothing of so I 1 had my revenge of her for I 1 swallowed five and twenty cups of her tea and did not treat her to as many words kansas city star |