Show WHEN ayou HEN kidneys function badly and you suffer backache dingness di burning scanty or too frequent urination getting up at night swollen feet and ankles feel upset and miserable I 1 use doans pil pills s 5 doans ate are especially for poorly working kidneys millions of boxes boxes are used every year they are recommended by users the country over ask your neighbor N P U U P E the proper treatment for a bilious child THREE STEPS constipation A cleansing dose today a smaller quantity tomorrow less each time until bowels need no help at all A ANY NY mother knows the reason when her child stops playing cats little is hard to manage constipation but what a pity so few know the sensible way to set things righta the ordinary laxatives of even ordinary strength destroy all hopes of restoring regularity A liquid laxative is the answer mothers the answer to to all your worries over constipation A liquid can be measured the dose can be exactly suited to any age or need just reduce the dose each time until the bowels are moving of their own accord and need no help this treatment will succeed with any child and with any adult doctors use a liquid laxative hospitals use the liquid form if it is best for their use it is best for home use the liquid laxative they generally use is dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup i pepsin eisin any druggist has it SALT LAKES NEWEST HOSTELRY 0 conr lobby is delight delightfully funy air coo cooled ed citrin during the sn summer er months radio for every boorn 20 achs R 4 1 HOTEL temple square rates aso to 0 the temple ban ha a highly desirable friendly atmos pher eYou will always find supremely comfortable r me and thoroughly can a ther therefore understand why this thia is hotel bac is recommended DED you can also b its a mark of distinction to stop at this beautiful hostelry aly ERNEST C ROSSITER rl R alar aag eliw cwm moves our community includes the farm homes surrounding the town the ile town stores are there for the accommodation and to serve the people of our farm homes the merchants who advertise specials are merchants who are sure they can meet all competition in both quality and prices 0 V 1 N q J 44 4 K NN A CAI 4 V A ar 4 g X xv 4 1 d OTH C OU rig Y I 1 f Z k f wu N erad ER ad I 1 N D I 1 F Y 07 UR 9 v oil be oil if it slippery that used to scrape drag rub and clatter ordinarily it slips alps off the job as soon as when it comes to something extra y you ou stop after you park half a night or of difficult like lubricating the new copper even even half a morning wheres your lubrication lead high lead and cadmium alloy bearings down in the crankcase and conico germ processed oil more before it gets back up in the motor these than ever surpasses plain mineral oils colder dayss days your engine wears fully merciless road tests have proved this twice as fast as any other time again and again this winter skip all that double quick only an oil that can beat the starter destruction change to conico germ with advance lubrication like patented processed oil known to bond itself di germ processed oil will save you the re ct to every engine part it forms what engine wear battery juice and other winter millions know as the hidden quart that grief that save by seeing your never drains away for germ processed conico man today continental oil oil actually becomes a part of all surfaces company established 1875 0 low 0 signs signs signs tera but all this Is ls is i the one len that assures 0 S you of the hid hidden quart PARAFFIN your correct grade always M GO ava available Hable including or |