Show dust spray halts bean leaf hopper hoppe r copper compound Is found good protection if applied early by T L H shire assistant en logist mock state natural Ili history story survey service it ft Is too parly early in the so season ason to determine leit left whether bean leaf hoppers wit will I 1 be plentiful enough to cause serious damage to the bean crop tills this year however the hoppers breque frequently antly reduce the crop by GO 50 per cent and adequate preparations for lusting or spraying the beans with a copper compound will be good crop insurance unprotected beans yielded TO 50 per cent less than those that had been sprayed or dusted in tests conducted at the cook county branch experiment station of the college of agriculture university of 1111 illinois riols A copper dust containing tobacco and gypsum is one of the dusts and sprays that has proved effective tn in controlling the leaf hopper during the tests it was applied at the rate of about 20 to 23 25 pounds to the acre applications were made five times begin ning as soon as the plants were well above the ground round and continuing until five applications aepli c actions were made the 3 6 50 bordeaux spray also proved effective but was not quite as good as the dust it st nicotine sulphate spray had little littie value in controlling gear deaf hoppers bean leaf hoppers do not hibernate in the garden regions of illinois but migrate to the beans late in the season they constitute one of the worst en emles of beans and frequently infest gardens in heavy numbers |