Show 0 UTAH STATE NEWS the convention of utah municipalities will be held in ili elcan on january januar y 21 and 23 25 11 manning anning a popular young man of north orden ogden is dead as the result of injuries sustained when a horse horsa kicked him film the thirty ninth annual convocation of the th utah grand lodge of pree free and accepted masons was held in ili ogden the first of the week william smith parker betl believed eved to be the oldest man mail in weber county died at lila ills residence in agten on january IS 18 of general debility at the age of 92 years freight la Is now being diverted through price for the reservation instead of going over the uintah railway price Is becoming a bigger forwarding point than ever salem 1 Is the next town to profet by the government electric power plant the town la Is to be ba lighted by the first of june the town of mapleton AIa Is also considering the matter oleomargarine at 30 cents a pound Is making a bigger hit with the housewives of salt lake iak o than butter at 45 cents and grocers report a brisk demand mand for the cheaper product the house fly Is blamed for much of the disease lit in salt lake and a war against the post pest Is urged by lr dr AI R stewart retiring health commissioner in hid annual report to ithe iho mayor charled Charle dails an ogden carpenter slipped on an ley icy pavement the back of his head struck the corner of a cigar case his skull being fractured in three places and it Is feared he will not recover the southern utah railroad Is now carrying coal from the consolidated fuel companas comp anys mines twenty miles mile emith of price and will be ba hauling from to 1000 tons dally daily within tile the next thirty days salt lake is to have a new ban line which will tat tap the territory to the south as far as all payson utah county connect with tile ga boniberger aberger line to ogden and extend into box elder county to the north horse dealers from froin los loa angeles have been in cache valley recently buying horses they picked up tip sixteen head paying on an ail average a head they advise the farmers to raise heavy legged draft horses T murphy of ogden while working at the plant of tile tha utah canning company was caught in the machinery his left arm and right loot foot being badly injured it Is feared it will be necessary to amputate the toot foot at a recent meeting of fruit growers of box elder county it was decided to use coal heaters beaters in their orchards A committee was waa appointed to secure athe of the local commer cominer cal c fat club in n securing better freight rates on coal 11 11 lawson has ba just made one of the largest single shipments ot of lambs ever sent out ot of utah there were sixteen carloads of best quality rolling tat fat that mr air lawson brought from the vicinity of 0 E ephraem and nephi and sent cent to thet the fancy alicY eastern market dr V NV knowles representing the national bure bureau atit of animal industry who has been in provo for some time commenced a test of 0 cows in the city tor for tuberculosis a few days ago he will test all the cows in that vicinity and then those in the towns to the south f tom itice an indian 38 years old Is now in the salt lake county jail c charged with the murder of hill bin b rother brother inlaw in law at shem washington county on december 11 II 1909 the killing was the result of interference by the murdered man while tom was beating his wife lavon daer baer a boy employed at the sugar factory at logan glogau was badly hurt saturday lie he Is in employed to run a beet grinder of some kind and in some way got his finger caught in the machine the result being that the member was torn out A mortgage has been filed with th the a county recorder at provo covering the gintic tintic rang bangt railway running from springville Spring ville to and projected to some point la in nevada by br way ot of deep creek and which is subject to 0 the lie lien ot of the morton trust trusi company of now new york the snuff habit in calr Sal fLake lake Is getting a strong hoh according cording r je to the statements tate ments of 0 local tobacco and cigar dealers and there la is an increasing use of the compound this la Is apparently confined to the foreign population however and the sale la Is largest among foreigners six horses dead and two more barely alive out of a small bunch of ten were found on a r ranch an c it owned by george couts couta on the jordan river near salt lake by a humane officer and an action will probably be brought against couts coats the animals had died frona from starvation the linard board of inquiry which investigated the cause of the di disastrous wreck at lemay has found that the wreck was caused by the failure of the crew of tle extra freight to close ahn th switch although no member of the crew Is 13 named after a years search throughout the united states on the trail of a black hand murderer wanted in ChIc chicago agop the quest has baa ended in salt lake through the arrest of nick alias steve kosovan Koa Kos ovae an austrian austria n who la Is now held in fr the county ja jail ti for C chicago lit c ago officers the town board of fantau ln has il practically decided to have two open saloons in order to raise sufficient means to catry carry on the administration Rs ns at present there Is not enough revenue to pay a marshal or prosecute a caso mat might come up |