Show woodruff woodruff atall jan 1910 itah raw haw raw raw wood mil othata a bolio like ilka tile the weather hakea these days yet colive ve jivu largely atul and have our being all go goe awell esvell us A in arriago bell 1111 with ith poetic apology at friday night we were edg ed cd to witness down east staged by it local troupe tri iupe it vas aa brisk ami al I 1 d breezy thereby an evening of light and hr I 1 Interpret al lon of zeko fletcher proved I 1 to b tile best work of tle the everi evening ing misi mim aliton lit in the light soubrette cato caste enlivened the play and fiade buerry to the general alon other oilier theatrical dvork of a graller d cluss alii ss would make fur for oar aniu and moral uplift |