Show NEWS OF ft A WEEK WEE I 1 il CONDENSED FORM RECORD OF THE IMPORTANT EV EVENTS TOLD IN BRIEFEST MANNER POSSIBLE jat A that that are arc making history tilt information Information gathered from all J qu quarters arters of the globe globa and given in a few lines intermountain MOUNTAIN the finding of the decomposed body of a soldier at the base of a preely it on ous bluff near fort worden wash biear ar the spot where private robert B 33 dumins body had been descove discovered red it a week before has led to the belief that several soldiers who have been classed deserters were mu murdered dered tor for what little money they had un on their persons an expedition has been organized by an expert diver to raise the steamer Is islander landor sunk ton ten years ago in fathoms or of water near junea alaska while bound for seattle with ot of klondyke gold in her strong box on the left ear ar of a woman whose body bode was found in the sound at seattle the police base their only hops hope of 0 solving her identity ahe ear car Is mutilated from the effects of an old wound and fully two thirds of it was renewed by grafting william Nl illiam 11 II garland la is under arrest in seattle accused of selling belling mining stock and misrepresenting its value ile he has been living in luxury and claims acquaintance with prominent new yorkers deals are now being negotiated in denver which will probably result in the formation of a trust that will control 90 tier per cent of the asbestos output of the world it is said that at a banquet of prominent women of denver deave r at which no men were admitted it was as decided to eleeta elect a apinati for m for di afi her er ut nt the election to be hold held oiliest wiliest two years hence the women claim to have the majority of tho the votes dotes in denver benver it if la Is feared that the cruiser washington quarantined quarantine dat at port townsend wash for smallpox may not be in ie teased leased in time to reach buenos ayres aires fr for the centennial celebration in which elis Is to represent sent tile the united r states and special efforts pro aio being made to tc obtain her release the mine the largest in blutte has resumed ned operations the places ot of tho the striking engineers be ng other men and a sufficient lel crew having been secured it Is claimed other mines of the district will do likewise DOMESTIC deputy sheriff W 11 1 1 lucy in an effort to arres arrest ita a negro near memphis teun tenn was shot and instantly killed by the negro who in turned was killed by two other deputy sheriffs frank A burnham a milk dealer ot ate became exhausted while walking balking home and stopping to test rest was frozen to death beside tile the road united states judge ray of tile tho northern district of new nely york lias has received several black hand letters since sentencing a band and of counter fetters to prison i dogs reached the record price of 10 a hundred weight on the indianapolis market on thursday mr anil and mrs airs new orleans and george dake of loi loa angeles are believed to have been lost in a sand sandstorm on the desert near mecca cal they were making a trip ain an abanto anto searching pailles es pre are qi 1 looking for them I 1 atlie jj the grand lury jury at santa rosa kosa cal liaa iiii returned i lidd an all indictment against ir dr willard P burke an aged alteo catle physician widely known throughout the state charged with having attempted the life of lou etta smith by dynamiting the tent lent house on ell hla sanitarium grounds occupied ly by the woman and tier her 11 months oid child two buys boys have been arrested in I 1 central park now new york in connection alili witta a black hand letter received by 0 havemeyer the bugar mag fiad received a lettjr directing receil alj him to place 2500 la in a taw place in the park when tho the gladst went went to get the marwy they were arrested the beef trust of the united states embracing six great packing companies and twenty one orie packers several ot of thorn them multi have been inflicted indicted by a grand jury in hudson county new neu jersey charged with conspiracy in limiting the supply ol 01 nieam and poultry jjohn JohnD berry crry wa cashot allot and probably iro bably j fatally W wounded 0 uund y henry J I 1 kelch mann in st loula as aa the esula ot of a quarrel over politics opium datil 1 ed at which was waa hidden la in various parts of 0 mail liner Bib was found and seized ly by san francisco federal federo officers strike sympathizers a havo have resorted to disorderly methods nt at the bethlehem steel works at south do bethla able he hem in pa hand to hand canil tights lights se seem em to it lie e of f dally occurrence A fathers search of almost three years on two continents for the alie slayer of his daughter was revealed friday in chicago an n the arrest of 20 years old according to the police the prisoner admitted his identity a and nd confessed to killing the girt girl lel Dama damanskis skis 17 years old at Paleo hovlan greece but insisted the tragedy was as accidental the two houses ot of the mississippi legislature in joint session cession at jackson on wednesday elected percy leroy to fill the term of tho the late senator A J ln which expires on march 4 1916 1915 john aged 18 of los loa Angel angelela els pleaded guilty of having attempted to murder his mother by putting formaldehyde into her coffee because she would not give him money washington it if a resolution introduced ed in the senate by senator cleyburn ot of idaho la Is adopted the senate wit will I 1 make an investigation vesti gation of what Is known as 84 the tha third degree said to bo be administered by the police in order to compel pris eneis to contesa to crimes with which they are charged commander Comi nander peary may be asked by the house subcommittee sub committee to submit his proofs that he i reached cached the it orth north pole to a hoard board composed of rear admiral melville elville Nl rear hear admiral schley and general greeley Sree ley all retired there seems to bo be now some hopes a of f tho creation of a bureau bin can of 0 mines and mining the senate sub commit teo tee having the matter in charge will malo a favorable I 1 leport on the bill leslie AT shaw former secretary ecret ary of the treasury denies that lie he had predicted war with japan in tits hta recent speech at morristown N J J which la Is sald said to have occasioned comment in boklo the expenditure ot of it year ear in stamping out mt the hie withe while slave avat fic would be money anoney will q spent e lit 9 aid arsi nar nara kl A lit in the house a recommendation that th thy total estimate for regulating immigration be iacre increased ased from to tile the united states leads the world as an exporter of tobacco and la the second leading market of the world I 1 for imported tobacco according to to statistics of the department ot of corn coni pierce merce and libor labor C D boton norton the new assist MIAL secretary of 0 the treasury has a scheme whereby he claims lie ern save a million dollars a year lit in the administration of the treasury department by the installation of a system which will eliminate all useless work FOREIGN in kursh russia a timber merchant named leykin anil and two peasants of tills this province tave have been conde condemned maed to death by th tho military nil tary court for arsen arsell committed merely to market for Levid ng building lumber emperor nicholas left tsai koe selo palace saturday and drove into st petersburg burg whore where lie he called upon king ferdinand For dinard of bulgaria the emperor as usual occupied an open carriage and was without an all escort there has been of the anti antl dynastic agitation at chig ilo ho elsion in southern fohlen and 1000 government troops mccu occupy py the district the insurgents have withdrawn to the hills bills skirmishes have occurred with wilb tho the troops but few casual castia liPes iea are arc reported ported le the government at capo cape haro near the por corf of guaymas Gua Cua has been destroyed by fire which oreg lnater in the electrical equipment As a result wireless communication with lower california has boon been stopped the loss Is placed it the united states harvester company of new york has just purchased liaf ed it a far factory agry near Alos moscow colv russia from the air brake company for a pl bilco pilco leo of rou coubles roubles bles the factory has haa boon been idle for some time the harac s ter company recently rb resolved solved to in acquire it and fit it up with the late latest st american machinery twenty tho naud sugar cane cutters are on 04 strike at P print pint int a saltre gua gna da loupe attempts to continue get gathering the crops are opposed by the strikers who have started fires in several fields an appeal I 1 tor for military help has been made chinese troops have captured Il chasse lasse the capital ot the ilia lamblat lit hierarchy er who upon the approach ot of the soldiers led fled with several of 0 his ministers into india the botana tans have petitioned the emperor of china to interfere in the interests of 0 the buddhists in a sensational report to the state senate of Ren kentucky tacky bi by an investigating committee the joint legh dative committee on military affairs accused governor wilson of violating the constitution ution and laws in sending militia to various counties without any request alquest trum from the civil authorities |