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Show Vrvf 1 - f ' s - ll '"' ' - - .. ", a .V r 0 - -- ' , ' spread ail through the land, and con A LITTLE COLD. gress has felt the effect 4 Preparing Financial Measure. He caught a little cold . Now that President Taft has sent Published Weekly. That was alL to congress all of his important recomSo the neighbors sadly said, - . RANDOLPH UTAH Wa soil the bast brands of platsd mendations that he has a hope will As they gathered round his bed, be enacted into law this winter, he is tablewaramsda In tha world. Mora tVhen they heard that he was dead. silver; batter pattarns and longest turning his attention to the question Lets not talk about the weather. of financial legislation which must ocguarantees. Prices as low as ehesp He caught a little cold stuff. the time and minds of the naRemember and give the horse That was all. (Puck.) Sill Soon to Be Introduced Is cupy tional legislators. Senator Aldrich, square deal. who is the chairman of the national Backed by Associations' Neglect of a cough or cold often Even bad weather cannot keep the monetary commission, is in constant eads to serious trouble. To break up and Physicians. conference with the president over a cold in twenty-fou- r 170 airships down. hours and cure St the form which the great financial any cough I that is curable mix two utar salt citx lark In tljis age, the water wagon ought E. measure is to take. The president be- ounces of e of Glycerine, a to be an automobile. lieves M Senator that in this WOULD SAVE NATION B! Aldrich, Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and matter of reform of the currency, is eight ounces of pure Whisky. Take a panada seems to be getting a better absolutely sincere and that the Rhode teaspoonful every four hours. You can Chicago, III. I was troubled with neighbor all the time. and inflammation, and the doc-to- rs Islander hopes to make constructive falling Good seeds arc tbo true fooadatioa of larfe and store at these good any Aldrich drug buy President Taft and Senator said 1 could not financial legislation something like a An aeroplane collision might be crop. Our bif Catalogue te'ls all about the easily mix them in a large bottle. with Financial Legislation well unless I Busy get Freo monument best for Send to seeds his tbat Copy. legislative memory. grow. good state fair attraction. an operation. had Plans Administration Favors It can be said that the chances are the Great Leveier. VOGELER SEED CO., Salt Lake City knew Opera I I could not Central Bank Scheme. ' 99 In 100 that It Is the Intention or The next aerial record to be broken At one of the Wagner operas a few stand the strain of is that for the highest fall. the administration, on the advice of days pgo a woman nudged her friend one, so I wrote to Washington. Congress Is to , be the majority of the monetary comyou sometime ago Who is that distinguished and said: crebill a before to asked Delaware has a record snowfall. No pass long about my health mission, to recommend to congress man bowing to you over there? Her use asking after the peach crop. and you told me ating what shall be called a National next year some plan for a central friend looked in the direction desigIt costs hundreds of dollars every year to Bureau of Public Health. It is urged bank of issue. ' In all the .hat to do. After OUR in TEST a return greeting. nated and smiled fESOS Wouldnt automobile tires as bail that great associations and thousands which Senator Aldrich madespeeches Lydia E. taking But when you buy them ySn con depend in the 'Thats my butcher, she said. I see Pinkhams vegetabonds come under the head of inflated of Write lorour individual are Tho possess anxlqus physicians Quality. they west and in all the interviews to him here ble Compound and quite often. When I go marFree Descriptive Catalog. securities? the government shall take cognizance which he has submitted since Blood Purifier I am diswe in congress the ALTON CO., Salt Lake City PORTER-keting always morning of the necessity for a more adequate a well woman. Mrs. Wiixiajc assembled, he has made no direct cuss the opera. Hes a German, you Isnt 'it great that you can get used of guarding the health of the statement that he is in favor of a 688 V. 21st St., Chicago, I1L system Ahrkns, to almobt anything if you try it long American people. Time and again, central bank, but It is known that his know, and really knows a lot about Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable ComRUBBER STAMPS other besides cutting meat. enough? made from native roots and suggestion has been made that there mind and attention rest upon such an New things pound, York Sun. herbs, contains no narcotics or harmType Outfits, and supplies in stock. should be a department of health with institution as one of the best means, Sea voyagers at this time of year hue Rubber Mail orders receive prompt attention. ful drugs, and y holds the record a chief who would have a place Jn the as he view s it. to make stable the get theft money's worth if they like SALT LAKE STAMA CO., Salt Laka City for the largest number of actual cures This? Hows not is It cabinet likely presidents excitement countrys financial system. of female diseases of any similar mediWe offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any that congress for years to come. t ease of latArrh that cannot be cured by Hall Thought Him a Poor Editor. cine in the country, and thousands of Details Not Out. Worked of Catarrh Cure. It Is said injections of rattlesnake Are there any sea serpents any rate, will sanction the creation Son F J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O. voluntary testimonials are on file in The to has had president presented but a such of F. government, J Cheney the Pinkham laboratory at the underalKiied. have known venom will cure hookworm. Also peldepartment Lj pop?" the last 15 ye&ra. and helievet hun perfectly bon t is likely that a health bureau of, him a number of different plans for to Mass., from women who have been orable In all business tranaacttoii and financially lagra. It is a killor-cur- e remedy. Father Im sure I dont know, a to central none but of them estab-"shedbank, cured ome able to carry out any obligations made by bis firm. from be will almost kind before form of long every W ALDIM3. KlNNAN A MARVIN, has he given a final preference, and it female complaints, inflammation, ulOne of the most pernicious evilVi hoicMle DruKRtata, Toledo. O. Is Son electricity? Well, what can be said without fear of contradicHall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting ceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, doers is the man who tries to pull anIt must not be taken for granted uion the blood and mucous eurfacee of the irregularities, periodic pains, backache Father I give it up. tion Mr. Aldrich himself has not dlrectlv that or 1 cents sent free. Price p other down from the water wagon. Testimonials system. not do that Uncle Sam does Indigestion and nervous prostration. Son Pop, what does the north to look after the health of his anything stated definitely Just which plan he bottle. told by all Druaabtu nephews thinks lake Uail Family Pills lor eonsUpaUoo. Every such suffering woman owes it to should be selected for ultimate With real butter worlh its weight in pole look like?" and nieces. The Marine hospital servherself to give Lydia E. Pinkhams know. I dont Father Mr. Taft wants a central gold the temptation is strong for imiIn Its approval. Natural ice is aided it is and Supposition. efficient, vegetable Compound a trial. ever if the country is to have one, Boy Say, pop, how did you tation butter to get Into the game. 1 am going to burn coal work by the medical corps of the army bank, If yon would like special advice to be an anyway? which in a editor, mean will measure a be get Health after. and navy. The American about your case write a conflden European rivers have been hurrying between two extremes. esHereafter? I thought Old Nick COLONIST RATES. league is petitlonjrg congress to up their high water programs so as President Taft baa let It be known would attend to the heat problem for rial letter to Mrs. Pinkham. tablish a National bureau of health. to forestall the Ohio's spectacular perLynn. Mass. Her advice Is frees 8 asking the people to back, up that It is his earnest desire that legisFrom Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, you then. formances. and always helpful. lation to to Intended give stability Omaha, Kansas City and other East- its request. atthe have shall currency countrys and Interest Mothers. to Will This Nevada, ern Acoma, Whenever a cake of floating ice points Plea of Health Officers. Mother Gray .Sweet Powders for Children, tached to it no taint of suspicion of crashes against the Eads bridge the Utah stations on the Salt Lake Route, Headache, Bad Stomach, a In communication put out what is generally called Wall street eure Fererltthneaa, recently 1 to 1910, March 15, sale on April Teething Disorders, Regulate the Bowel, ana daily seismograph in SL Louis registers an offfrom York New its break np colda In (4 Deetror influence. his Worm. The headquarters, is They president telling names of inclusive. Send us the your icials of the bureau of hours. Pleasant to take, and harmless aa milk. earthquake. Nearly Every One Gets ' 'friends that he is confident, from what They health, say: never fall. At all Druggiata, 45c. Sample friends in the East who are interestfor fc. demands to mailed Allen FREE. Address, Senator Aldrich tells him, that the Climated, general Responding The nlne-dollThe bowels show first sign hog at Chicago may ed. For further Information see any such a scientific check to the prevent- Rhode Islander is no less anxious than Le Hoy, N. V. make the sliver of bacon for break- Salt Lake Route agent or address of things going wrong. A able diseases and deaths that are now he to see to it that Wall street shall fast more like a sliver than it has J. H. MANDERFIELD, A. Q. P. A., Any woman can make an Impres$1,500,000,-00to cost nation known no in the an Cascarel taken every night be way given wedge entering ever been before. sion on a man who has either a soft Salt Lake Route, Salt Lake, Utah. in life and labor each year, off- of Influence by means of the legislaneeded keeps the bowels as heart or a soft head. icers of this organization are making tion when it is finally enacted. The only consolation there has been Of Course It Was Hard. working naturally without about the bleak weather of the past every effort to 'have a law speedily ONLY OVE BROMO OriNIKlC." Gift for the .Kaiser. Squemish Guest (as waiter places made of their recommendation, which That la I.AXA'l IV B HKOVIO VLININK. Ink for few days is that each day of winter grip, gripe and that upset signature of K. W. KoVfc,. Laed tbe World The house of representatives has th water before him) Waiter, are you was contained in the of the over to Cure a Cold in One May. S&c. platform brings spring nearer. sick feeling. a bill appropriating 90 sure this is boiled distilled water. three leading parties in the last pres- just passed Ten cent box, weeks treatment. $5,000 for a replica of the statue of Walter I am positive, sir. as do who been Speed maniacs should be given a which please has and People just they idential AU drug stores. campaign Biggeat seller In Squeamish Guest (putting it to his advocated by leaders of every political the Baron von Steuben which is to never please their neighbors. sentence, when convicted, on the theworld million boxea month. In to taste seems soon be erected But pretty it square, Lafayette treadmill, which would make the pun- lips) faith since that time. President Taft of the The replica hard for distilled water." ishment fit the crime. has Just assured representatives of Washington. Waiter Thats because its hard the American Medical association and statue, If the senate sanctions the Buffalo meat has been placed on boiled distilled water, sir." Chicago American Health league, they declare, house action and the president signs the New York market. And its price, News. that he Is heartily In favor of this the bill, will be sent to Kaiser its rarity, was not 'Wilhelm and the German people in the notwithstanding plan. If the people of every section name of the Management much greater than that for ordinary people of America as a on themselves land will declare of beef. I suppose your husband gets a very thisthevital of the services of question in the next few grateful recognition 5 von Steuben to the American colonies salary. large soon Sam Uncle is asserted it Seldom will even a vain and unreweeks, For Infants and Children. Why do you think so? to give the same at- wen they were trying 'to throw off liable woman give an untruthful an You are able to live so well.Land may bq persuaded of hue the yoke of Great Britain. welfare to the tention physical swer if you ask her about her age. he belongs to so many clubs. . ? The movement to present the von man beings that he now does to that She will say it is none of your bus! Kind but you must remember tbat of Yes, Steuben memorial to Germany was in hens and hogs. ness. cattle, sheep, Im an awfully good manager. I nevei t Richard itiated Representative by The friends of the plan for a health A New York husband complained in permit myself to spend a dollar until of St. Louis. Mr. Bartholdt was bureau under government control say been of has 75 cents it at least in born court that his wife called him a Germany, but he has lived necesIs that the bureau particularly ALCOHOL-- 3 PER CENT 'shrimp, and in view of the fact that earned. to warn the people of this coun in this country a great many years Avertable sary Preparation for Asto is It went he court with bis trouble we perhaps possible that the St of the dangers that menace their RATES. T the Food and Regulatry similating Louis representative had the German are inclined to agree with her. vitality in the most common walks of ting fhe Stomachs and Bowels of people in mind more than the Gerfriends everyday life. names of me American the Send Then your the With eggs at 70 cents a dozen in man emperor when he first thought interINFANTS CM ILDK EhJl Health league says that it is calling of New York a St. Louis man is willing or others in the East who are a plan to present the von Steuben mail them will we as diseases. as and well in to ested Utah, attention drugs to eat five dozen at a time on a wager. on Promotes Digestion, CheerfuDeclaration is made that numerous memorial to the fatherland. notOnce copy of our Hints to Husbandmen, Perhaps the motion picture privileges and if are a the records wrong, time, information full are them habits of becoming regard forms give and Rest Contains neither drug lness help out this branch of capitalistic in the Mr. Bartholdt was in Berlin and de ing the one way Colonists rates to more prevalent everywhere Opium. Morphine nor Mineral emto sport pay his respects to the Utah from Chicago, Omaha, and other United States than people realize. The string an audience and he peror, requested Twenty thousand acres of land espe-dall- Eastern points, which are on sale dangers of cocaine, morphine and opi- described himself as a German-Amer-icaPtpt tfOldDtSAMVUimtNl adapted to fruit culture have daily March 1st to April 15th, 1910, um are pointed out, and it is said that It Is said that Emperor Wll JKunpJtin Seed just been opened for settlement in inclusive. See agents Salt Lake Route vigorous efforts which are being made liam remarked, Germans I know and jttxSe no or sale their address minimize Pacific The is control and coast information, to further AofhtU Smts for Oregon. looming s I know, but Americans JntstSetd backG. A. P. a the A., into prominence as rich agricultural J. H. MANDERFIELD, ought to have the sanction, I do not know." This was the npetymni Salt Lake Route, Salt Lake, Utah ing and the aid of a government buregion. of Intimating that way emperors Hitrm Seed reau. man must be one thing or the other The Happy Husband. In one of the big police precincts While physicians are trying to get and that he did not like Wmkrymn flavor In New York there were only two arhyphenated Wife Sebastin, I just heard you recognition of the need nationalities. A rests in 24 hours, and the fact has led sigh again. Now', you must under- government perfect Remedy for Constipafor the health of federal safeguards to the inquiry whether a reform wavo stand that once and for all I forbid of tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Return Meant Compliment. are trying the nation, sociologists has struck that part of the city. More you to sigh. Fliegende Blatter. Worms .Convulsions .FeverishThe gift to Germany will be a sort to get Uncle Sam to establish what likely it was merely a cold wave. ness and LOSS OF SLEEP for lack of a better name they call of return compliment for the gift Knew Their Value. to The Wilhelm made which the United of Criminology. one in Chicago Two newspapers, Sir yelled the first mate, above a Laboratory Fac Simile Signature of and the other in Baltimore, have the howling of the storm, the ship is subcommittee of the committee on Ju- States eight years ago of the statue a was It Great. Frederick the of with has just reported favorably talked with each other by wireless, diciary likely to sink any minute. a sum of Frederick the Greats permission that bill which appropriated though 1,000 miles apart. This is reI know, replied the terror, stricken The Centaur Company, of such Baron von Steuben or Gen. Steuben, establishment the for money ported to be the longest distance on passenger, there is no hope for us. NEW YORK. came to be not the known as in he is or bureau. It America, a laboratory land for successful communication of Then why dont you put on a life to If to come was allowed this of the they lawmakers, country intention this kind, and experts allege that a preserver? nass a bill of this kind, to make the to act as a sort of a thousand miles over the land is equal Tm the manufacturer of them. to the Continental armies. Gerbureau a large affair. What the to 3,000 at sea. Be this as it may, Catholic Standard and Times. to It is said, has always felt more is measure want of many, the fr'ends the incident is of interest as showing Guaranteed under the Foodanj or four special- or less keenly a regret that Amerithiee have appointed the development of wireless teleg Unexpected Inference.; Exact Copy of Wrapper. vwt aaanM waanuav. wow tom anv. ists in criminology who will make cans should have thought principally raphy. There is no doubt that the "Charles Brightly rs an Exceedingly a deep study of the causes of crime about Germany's attitude in the revsystem is constantly enlarging the promising young man. with a view of finding out if it is not olutionary war as one made manifest scope of its usefulness. So hes been borrowing money possible in some way to bring to bear by the dispatch of the Hessian hire-lin- e Baltimore Ameri troops to this country to help the he preventive measures which are so It looks more and more as though from you, too? cause of the British. for a can. nuch better than cure measures. the American propositions The gift of the statue of Frederick worlds arbitral court, tending to proNext. Crime i Disease. the mote international peace, and for the Great, with marked reference to to so as that far Some people go say "I was so sorry not to come to your relation between Frederick and Ihe of the Manchurian neutralization wedding, madarne, but 1 was not in crime in many of its forms Is a dis- Gen. Steuben, was Intended as an offrailroads, looking to the removal of a Paris. ease. A great nany people admit that set to the that Is concause of friction and strife, are likeNever mind. You must come next crime is frequently committed by per- nected withunpleasantness The proper shoes for men: the Hessian hirelings. ly to be accepted by the leading powthe victims of circumare who sons Bon Vivant. time. e of Frederick statue shoes that look, fit, feel and wear right The the Great ers. And so the year will be not to are who and stances impelled of in war front the stands American because of one of the greatest selected Made of leather leather that is best b; An Art That is Long. crime by what may be called real in the city of Washington. college advances ever made toward general If shall motives Correct in style. Made by the finest test criminal congress every She "There is really an art in put i"nd permanent good understanding, a bureau of criminology, the Whenthe gift was made, there was a establish in the best shoe know. ones on makers, equipped factory in existence. you gloves, :he chief impulse toward which came ting great deal of adverse criticism In j experts will study living conditions of to have He your you "True; get was to was America. not and genCongress 'rom the United States urged of poverty and cTHAYER hand in before vou can do it proper- - the people, the effect erated by American statesmanship. on crime, and many receive the gift because citizens whose drinking liquor Boston built for comlinej style and service-b- uilt on honor "bunt Transcript. ly. are shoes was of extreme the criticism and perother subjects which, may Bhed light and satisfaction absolute for lasting comfort. Biggest values unthinking kind, declared that Great thoughts are noble guests A Hard Task. upon the main question. The same haps can ever hope to get for the money. yon no we of wanted statues in this kings which do not enter the home of our Is used by physicians Do you care if I paint your barn? argument that There la an Honorbilt style tbat will exactly suit you and fit yoa. intellect unbidden, nor do they re- asked the summer boarder with the for the establishment of such a bureau country. The gift, however, was reAsk your shoe dealer; if he hasnt it, write us. Look for main long where they are not propwant is used by the friends of ceived In the spirit in which it was Trade CKark on the sole. 1 TUCayer the peaches and cream complexion, as she as they i , offered, entertained. erly They say that if FREE If yoa will send u. the name of a dealer who dM not handle put down her palette and began ar- the other project. The statue had not been long in Uncle Sam is willing to spend millions Mayer Honorbilt Shoe., we will aend you fne, poatpaid, a handher color tubes? some picture, tiie 15x20, of George Waehington. A university scientist declares char- ranging the agricultural place before an attempt was made to through year every Uncle go No, replied Jasper; We also make Leading Lady Shoes, Martha Washington ity to be a disgrace, advocating the right ahead. It needs paintin' all right, department to check the ravages of in- destroy 1L At least it was supposed Comfort Shoes, Yerma Cushion Shoes, Special Merit starve was to useless made the an of be to it, attempt in that destroy letting willing sect ought policy pests, I don't see how you expect to School Shoes and Work Shoes. but small-sizebetwas is the bomb Science a die. to unfit check the for and the exploded bits to spend a few thousands them with little much done git who ter for the loss of such scientists ravages of crime. In recent years by some unknown person near the & F.cTWAYER of brushes. Chicago Record-Herald- . thus practically hold it as a defense congress has paid more attention to base of the statue. The bomb did no MILWAUKEE PTl Otini? doccreate matbut oriVJ2 did VA. old it tremendous barbarous WISCONSIN The fact is, deai what may be oiled sociological The Tragedian of a return to the damage, trine of brute force in the survival of boy, I cant stand many drinks. te, s than it ever did before. The excitement GEORGE CLINTON. I believe you any The Comedian the fittest. study of sociological subjects has way, you dont." Sketch. TAt ttAgK The Rich County News Of- - GUARANTEE HEALTH OWES BUREAU Plated Silverware.... r HER LIFE TO I half-ounc- Pinkhams Lydia Vegetable Compound TESTED SEEDS oa to-da- y SS to-da- -- in.-bo- ' . at Constipation It 0 c You llavo ho Bar-thold- Always Bought Bears the COi-ONIS- ; Signature Not Narcotic y 1 German-Ameri-can- In Use For Over Thirty Years inn HONOR Bft S mem-arabl- HONORBILT d boot |