Show scandinavian NEW S SUMMARY or OF IMPORTANT HAP IN FAR OFF NORTHWEST ITEMS FROM THE OLD HOME resume of the most important events event in sweden norway and denmark of interest to the scandinavians scandinavian in america SWEDEN A courts courle of veara ears ago the swedish resold rea olvid to stop tho the salo sale of 0 liquor in the restaurants in tho the ilka das dag building the result was that not oab those who mho like to take a social glass but even the dry legislators found tile the place too tedious and the business went ment down domn as never nener before the institution has been run at a loss and the v are no better olt for or the tips are few and tar far be tv swem a n the members ot of the felt so bad ON over er this matter that they made an appropriation covering the loss which amounted to almost four hundred dollars a month even enen the waitresses mattresses were mere rem remembered embere d a at L th the same time and they received 1 2 70 in lieu of 0 the conent conventional lonal tips which thea had expected the minister of finance wai as recent ll 11 called upon by b a reputation deputation I 1 from the iho cigar makers union the deputa lieu noised the grio grievances ances of the cigar makers who are already feeling the effects of the decision of 0 the to organize i t tobacco monopoly the wish tell to know to what extent the in demnati promised by b the la is to be paid about one hundred and fifty flit elgar makers hale hae alreid already been discharged and tile the hoi bol I 1 that the state ought to pay pa them an indemnity at once the minister of finance listened attentively iely to the men and pl to ansi anav er their questions as soon as possible the and the distillers hano hae come to an all agreement to the effect thit that the distillers shall produce onla 15 tier per cent ot of the quantity which blitch tile the liw iam permits it is estimated that between aal barrels ban els ot of 1 potatoes will vill be used for this put puarose rose this Is a small the potato chop of the country being estimated at barrels b the grain keeled for starting fer fermenea menta tion Is i a negligible the re of the output will nill result in much higher prices of whisk those who mho hale hae been planning the o of i a swedish knie american rican steamship line are still on the job TI 1 ea hai hae a found a man who m ho is willing to take the lead ahe he subscription ol of new stock Is continued the promo were mere to organize a steak corn coin pany october 10 but no account of the meeting is at han I 1 about five hundred thousand dollars of the feces sary ary capital stock of 2 Is still lacking but tills this Is not looked upon as an insurmountable difficulty difficult a crop the lingon berr crop in sealand rt was as large tills bear ear it as aa feared that ohp prices would be abnormally low because the berries cannot be ex ported to Gerr german nan but congram to expectations the prices kept on rising as the season advanced fenall reach ing a normal lliel miny beirn bein pick ers hae made good wages mages the bid hurt hult district alone shipped out lingon berries for 13 almost two months after the begin ning of the war mar a stream of 0 russians was mas still pouring through sweden from german the number of if russian passengers on a single feir would mould sometimes run as high as it took two extra trains train to carr carri this number from malmo to stock holm where the fugitives embarked on steamers for russia 0 A dispatch front from says tile the captain of the swedish steamer alma from gothenburg gothenberg Got henburg to luebeck reports rescuing rebelling from the sea two G ger er man airmen mho ho had been in tile the water 14 hours s the go government ha has issued one krone 27 cents bills as a swift way wai of supplying tile the co country arry with mith ut small email change the new bi bills a are pop ular and seem to stand a good deal of wear m ear and tear the government has granted RI anted per winslon ilon to the people of 0 tarna to export products to norna jorwa elan eien though it Is 18 forbidden to export them to foreign countries in general at tile lie in st malm alarm the biggest pears peara raised in meta picked this fall all rhe rha record breaking sample belched a trifle oer three pounds 0 0 the tha post office department of ger man asked the Sm Swell ellish sh government goern ment it if letters front from russian captis capthens es ol of war nar lit in germans could be sent acres across 6 sweden from germany to russia tho the swedish government cheerfully an sherel in the affirm athe to an international agi letters lit a rs front from captives of war mar may mi be with out stamps some papers make it a rule not to print news regarding the moNe movements ments of marshlow mars tiloi hloi tor for fear that it n I lit ht be of benefit to the euni |