Show NEW MARKET it IS S SECURED jumbo plaster being shipped to australia spur to the big mills at sigurd is nearly completed and big shipments are expected the plaster and cement industry is assuming proportions which were not even dreamt of in the beginning of the industry the past month has een more orders loine come in than ever before and wherever the plaster is introduced the builders call for jumbo plaster as soon as they have tried it out this has been the case even where foreign companies have offered the builders a premium on the use of other plaster the purity of the product duct gains patronage as soon as it la is introduced one of most encouraging things for the company is a shipment of the plaster to australia which was recently made by a san franciaco firm heretofore the plaster used in australia and new zealand has come from england but there is a splendid 0 pening opening for the sigurd product in those countries and it will not be a great while until a shipload will be moved at one time J M bickel lf left t for the coast thursday to promote the sales of the jumbo plaster and utah keene cement mr bickel is acquainted personally with tho the jobbers of these products on the coast since the completion of the western pacific it is more than likely that a freight rate will be established which will promote the sale of plaster and cement to foreign countries the trade is already established between this country and australia but the orient has not been opened up and it is ex peeked pecked that these countries will be sho wythe advantage of the sevier va I 1 ley prod proud al tl 0 4 another industry which promises to use a large quantity of plaster is a large hat manufacturing concern in sari san francisco it appears that in the production of the many varied shapes of ladies hats plaster forms an important factor in the this firm had bad five sacks of jumbo plaster delivered to them lately and it was of so much better grade than the other plaster they had been using that they took the address from one of the green tags attached to the sack and sent direct to the office here at snaking making enquiries for a carload of tile the plaster thus another avenue for the plaster wis opened up so great is the demand that it has become absolutely necessary that the spur from the D R G to the mill be completed the grade is finished and the only thing wanting is the ties the steel is on the ground and it is expected that the ties and steel will be laid within the next ten days or so this will cut out much of the delay delay in haulage and loading the grade arade for the tramway between the quarry mill is isalio also completed and the tha ties and balls rails will be laid on this within a month so that the raw gypsum will be carried to the mill with toe the least possible expense and loss of time altogether the future of the plaster and cement industries never looked so rosy as at present while the elder mr bickel is 13 pushing the sales on the coast the younger bickel james jr will open up the market in the east ile he and mrs bickel left for their old home in oklahoma last thursday and from there mr bickel will visit the big centers and introduce both the jumbo plaster and the utah keene cement the industry is but in it its infancy and another year will see this excellent product leave here for east west north and south by trainloads train loads instead of ct loads |