Show FISH INDUSTRY IN UTAH plan to supply fish lake with trout food meager supply of food is injuring fish in the lake some figures on fish the present fish and game commissioner fred W chambers and his chief deputy brig madsen are two of the states most efficient effi efficient cieni cers they are devoting much time to their department and they are leaving no ile stone unturned to make the department part ment the most efficient tile state has ever hid bad the of nf their efforts is to make the fish interests of the state of great commercial value as well as taking care of the sporting side of the matter while they want to encourage the sport of fishing and hunting they regard the commercial and food value of fish as greater than any other interest BASS AND TROUT this has been their object in considering si all matters pertaining to the fish industry mr air madsen has had a lifetime of experience in the fish interests of the state he knows more about fish than probably any other man in the state and especially about the native fish commissioner chambers and deputy madsen have visited every available point in the state where the propagation of fish would be of interest they have haie planted over trout fry in the maters of the state this year and this work has been made to cover as much territory as possible in addition to this amount of trout they will propagate between betheen md ind of black bass in utah lake this has been made possible by the rl IV ija aclan alic fur the itha ilac biss b is iqs in the lake they will secure a 1 million nd a half of eastern brook tron for the new hatchery at spring ville this fall the hatchery has just been cimpl completed led and a contract is being let for the pipe line which will supply the necessary water BIG FISH production brig madsen is particularly interested in the waters of utah lake lie he has the ery sensible theory that the chief requisite foi the propagation of fish is water in utah lake there is the greatest body of afresh fresh water in the west the average utahn does not ap f in into to understand the value of th ly iv of water to the fish industry C 0 il aate at present there is the nn lin quantity of from to 3 bunds amunds of the common varieties of al en out of the lake every the markets of utah and sur g states for food one year n body of water yielded 1 vunda oleara oj ol carp earp suckers mullet ib pounds of black pounds of catfish ij j of trout a total of nearly a on pounds of fish for this resents a value of between rd d for fish from utah lake 1 that lake was situated in any other county in the state the papers of that county would never tire of telling of its wonders and it ought to be exploited as there is nonsuch a body of water in th entire west GREAT expectations in a couple of years from now the utah lake will be b producing a million and a half pounds of fish fieh per annum of this amount there will be probably pounds of black bass the secret of this immense production is that the lake offers the greatest leading feeding grounds for fish that can be found in the west the waters are fairly alive with fish food there is all kinds t ands of vegetable food for the courser varieties of flah such as carp which lives entirely on vegetable food there are arc chub mullet sucker and shiners for the bass and trout and there is a neve rending supply of this willable vilu wilu able asat in the production of fish FISH LAKE conditions from a study of conditions in tho the waters of our own lake the beautiful fish lake the commissioners have dis that tu atthe jhc thc secret of the dis dia appearance app arance of toe the fish ironi from the lake is that the food supply is inadequate for tho the trout native ard eastern brook trout demand fish for their EUS cenance tc te nanee nance failing to find other fish than their own kind in tho lake ake they turn to the trout fry for fer their living and this accounts acco unta for the apparent do de continued an B rth page FISH INDUSTRY IN UTAH continued from page 1 in the trout supply in addition to this condition it has been discovered the past summer that every trout examined by he commissioners during the spawning season seasonal was ag found tobice to hive pra parasites sites located under the fins which is IB leading to diseased condition of the trout in ili the lake and vicinity vic miti tl there I 1 is ilso too much in bre edmand this leids leads to deterioration 13 13 to the quality of the N fish FISH rood FOOD PROVISION the commissioners have hae decided that other and commoner kinetics of fish must be bc planted in fish lake if the trout supply herl here is kept up they are net sure as will be be bet best t but thoa are cr c artim r in thit that varieties ane ties thit that propagate will have to be planted to save the trout is a small fish in rutih lake known as the shiner hiner which will prohibit be added to the like next sea sm sin this fi h cops OOPS not growth prow to L exceed three or four inches in length it feeds on insects with which the lake abounds and this i will ill make jn in excellent fish for food for the trout there is aluch vegetable mitter matter in I 1 ish lake and one of the best things for trout food it is the small carp carp feeds entirely on vegetable vege tible mitter matter nd ind this would mika maka in ex excellent addition to the lake for forage for trout they propagate pru readily ind and the north end of the lake would make an admirable admira ole feeding aroun ground d for the cirp carp most people turn up their noes at the mention 0 of f carp and iet ct when hen properly prepared prep ired cirp is an ec excellent ellent fish to properly prepare carp requires the removal of the skin and the melt meat is then freed from any muddy taste A visit to utah lake with such men as brig madsen maden ind george smoot ot who know how to the common varieties of fish for eating and anikie an joie will be converted to the value of what ire are classed as common fish carp and suckers from the cold waters of fish lale lal e would be found desirable fish the commissioners ners are still wrestling brestlin with the question of the best fish to plant in fish riah lake to tosie sa e the trout PANGUITCH LAKE the location loci tion of the hitchery hatchery at panguitch like is one of the question which the commissioners are coni considering dering it will more than likely be located at the lake although there is an inclination to consider the location right at panguitch there is an abundance of food in ill pan duitch lake and bass and the next net move for panguitch lake will be the stocking of it with nith black bass this desirable gime game fish will some day be added to fish like lake as soon is the conditions will justify it the hasis one of the gamest camest fish known A three pu tinder will tax a fis hermans skill to land it HATCHERY FOR RICHFIELD last friday judge chidester and john hood were ere at provo and were guests of commissioner chambers and deputy madsen at the big lake on board mr Mid Mad sens launch they made a trip out on the lake and never wis was finer treatment accorded guests than given gien the two Richfield ians it wis while hile on this trip that the plans of the commissioners as to fi nh h in the state were ere discussed and the needs of aih lake were vere gone over in particular these gentlemen are not playing any fa they want ant to see the fish industry grow in inthe the state and all sections will receive consideration from them A hatchery will be located near richfield as soon as the officials can get to it the rhe panguitch hatchery will be the next one to tn be erected and after that is in operation the richfield hatchery will receive attention |