Show el ff I 1 do you yd m want cl a cl rana 5 i we have the great stewart line of ranges and j ig heaters A carload just received and they are S ro going like hot cakes the stewart malleable range with its splendid nickel trimmings its contact reser g jl voir heating system and unbreakable oven door H we have just ree received dived the finest and best line of J H hunters supplies shells and cartridges of all kinds J we still lead in the matter of farmers 7 hardware S we have a great line while our line 0 of f farm ample it FO 1 S ments and vehicles cannot be surpassed A J everything in hardware implements and behic f p les for the home and farm ra V F 0 v i consolidated wagon machine co F I 1 1 0 t F 0 V JOSEPH PH JOHNSON MGR UTAH nd twig TAKE A DIP IN prosperity X 1 2 let us print your PROGRAMS MENUS SHIPPING TAGS LABELS and all other kinds of commercial or law printing gilve ux uj one order and you brou twill atte tt a f r another L LAW 4 A MAW B R aj UL E AT THIS OFFICE fsr for the she kidneys 30 34 DAYS TRIAL FOR KNOW give me the date ot or bour our birth and I 1 will give you a writing of your life and character your weak and strong points diseases iou ou are most hible to and how to prevent them alte te one 3 00 two 5 00 WM JOHNSON richfield P 0 box this is not astrology it makes no predictions tt tf 1 agreements to purchase j selected lands for sale at B the reaper office slogans tyr meb sewing machine Macli inc runs lighter than any other FREE lasts longer than any other is is more beautiful t than h in any other IEE has li a a less ices vibration than any other is easier to operate than any other Z males makes a more perfect stitch than any other ae sF MISE BISE is the best of all combined in one FREE SEWING MACHINE CO CHICAGO ILLINOIS fessy fey Sy 2 41 of NEW DIRECTORY OUT ft the october Oc toler ls issue ue ot of tho the rocky IT t mountain hell bell telephone Coio Corn yany Is y na t agai ing distributed ru ed to at ill all echan 0 of it 1 I e c coropo B 1 cal and b bont athern heni ut lutali ah a well CJ 1 ci the he lintot of i eints connected ba b long lone 1 distance I 1 lines it nes and suggestion for T 11 1 the benefit of tolt users s i Ss S my raw gla J WILL GIVE G VE ogg 1000 1 IF I 1 CURE AN ANY Y CANCER or TUMOR I 1 TREAT IT POISONS DEEP GLANDS without KNIFE or PAIN no pay until cured hers an island plant lant makes the cure ABSOLUTE A tumor lump or sore on uthe abo bip face or I 1 anga anywhere re six eix anthe I 1 lC Boer THEY NEVER a PAIN until lat hilt stace PASE PAGE BOOK sent free with testimonials of cf j thousands ards cured at bon home TO THEM IN III WOMANS BREAST Is CANCER and it if neglected Elected Dt it will always noi tol fion deep p landa in the armpit and kill itil buic IY adee address re S agi DR id S R CHAMLEY cab carte bit d I 1 aur nit most cancer specialists ll 11 living ng 9 smaill main st 9 LOS IDS ANGELES cal KINDLY SEND TO SOMEONE WITH CANCER A VALUABLE TIP after exposure or when you feel a cold coming on take a few doses of bleys fleys hone and tar and it will expel the cold from your system it cures the most stubborn coughs and and prevents pneumonia for sale by barrs pharmacy wp tita ako tko in OUR B I 1 F LL AND WIN b A N announcement ANNO UN CEMENT IS NO GRA GRAFT FT A announcement TO THE PUBLIC of sevier T THIS HIS IS NO GRAFT OR FA FAKE ace advertisement tx county I 1 have purchased for cash of the leading to gull the public it is strictly for the good manufacturers of new york city and chicago as large a line P people eople of sevier county and southern utah who have traded of up to date at this pioneer 01 0 t li i 11 1 1 ga r ca JL UP r SL r U 1 1 A nii 0 y 9 M house for a term of notwithstanding a revision of M I 1 for men boys and children as you will find in the I 1 state the tariff on the woolen years schedule by the american congress there are very few fer stores in utah that carry as L large arg e a line which shows that the old dingley rates are maintained I 1 of clothing as is carried at will continue to sell clothing cheaper than ever and you can depend on a square deal at WERNERS WERNER S RICHFIELD WERN WERNERS ER IS RICHFIELD A SUIT of CLOTHES THAT A SUIT of CLOTHES THAT wa YOU WOULD PAY 20 FOR YOU WOULD PAY 15 FOR b 4 bg IN SALT LAKE WERNER IN SALE LAKE WERNER R SELLS FOR e a ea L SELLS FOR wa et 1 iau I au W a V RA 0 1 ono h this is a saVin saying of on a suit cf Clot lieb lies take e I 1 advantage 0 of this opportunity and come and investigate the the only exclusive up to date Clot clothing bing 0 and gents 1 above announcement furnishing 1 house in southern utah RICHFIELD UTAH W 3 |