Show INcA TOWN BOARD D in the election at salina on tuesday there were two tickets in I 1 n the field the present town board and pre president were on one ticket and another was in the field iq an independent ticket the election resulted in the return of the present officers to power and the complete defeat of the independent candid candidi ites teb by over oer wh elming majorities major ties the vote resulted as follows for president nt prink frank jorgeson Jor genon incumbent P r P peterson ind st 81 town board A S gates D G burgess Bur gebs allt 11 T G humphrey A J CrolL cr these are the present oTic ira rs the independents received votes as follows for trustees A J leiani I 1 P 11 madeen 58 C M ilan han sen een 81 jonn jon n madsen this places tile the same officers in power for the next two t 0 bear 3 barg these ire the men who hive jut just ind complete comple teJ j t system for the town and a grateful citizenship hae manifested their confidence in these officials |