Show Y WERE SEIZED dan hansen has a word to say was misrepresented as to his cattle deal at panguitch which was on the square last week tit in article ap pred pored in the reaper bich reflected on the busin conduct of dan hansen of elsinore in a cattle deal thu the article stated sheriff haa habock ock hid seized a carlod carload of c attle which had been lou baugit allt at with checks N hian had been returned the nornia information tion came to this offee fron fro n apparently reliable sources but is ib evidently a mistake some v where 1 cre As soon as the editor editors 9 attention v lias as called to the aclair he immediately arote to mi hansen for his version of the affair as this paper does not intentionally desire to injure anyone or the facts the following fol follow loing me letter was received from mr hansen which we gladly gadly give space elsinore utah jan 12 1903 1908 editor reaper richfield utah dear sir referring to dour letter of jan alth in reply to mine of same date relative to an article reflecting upon n my business conduct in a certain cattle deal at panguitch will state that I 1 haie hae been grossly misrepresented A As s to my defense gefen 9 e I 1 c can a n offer n no 0 beiter better statement than the one made by sheriff haycock to the city editor of the inter mountain republican under date of friday jan 8 09 bearing the I 1 follow arg heading hansen cattle nut nt seized by sheriff the particle therein contained gives a general cew of faeta fact although many features feat U r e s left unexplained alch I 1 shall dball to auth outline le herewith having been burch aing an aej selling beef cattle for the last three months and after dis disposing rosing of what hat I 1 had on n h hard d dee dec 1 ath last I 1 consummated a deil with ae ertain party for the sale of head for deli delivery cry the lattu part of the same month and as a cons dera aeration de ration tion he i vas as to advance a certain amount of funds in the bank from which I 1 e pecked epe eted to draw in gong going south at the time I 1 vent with full confidence that the funds would he be deposited in the bank in the time designated des ignited so that I 1 would he be able to do my checking accordingly will state boieri howe boie vei ei that I 1 had funds of my illy own at d the time but I 1 depended palLi ally lly upon the advance funds to make the purchase show above named the purchases lisses were made during the 10 days I 1 was aas south and not until I 1 was home 2 days did I 1 relieve any word ord from either purchaser or bank that the funds had not been forthcoming I 1 had ample cattle on hand to have nearly covered the overdraft twice tice and had I 1 been aware of the fact that any checks hid been returned on account of insufficient funds in reanna ble course of time I 1 should hn hiie h n e been able to hac pie prevented vented iny of those checks re returning turing to panguitch I 1 have no fault in the bank refusing an overdraft as this is s at their option but I 1 did not feel satisfied in their not either phoning or writing me of the facts as in past dealings had they done so in reasonable time I 1 should hive had the collateral lateral co to have met the needs As soon as I 1 the facts I 1 wrote each of my customers in the south explaining that my purchaser had given me the slip and that there would be a delay perhaps until jan ath before I 1 could let my matters adjusted but that I 1 would hold the cattle here and notify them of any shipment nt when I 1 finally got my purchasers for the most of my cattle dee 31 1 I phoned dr dark clark of monroe who ho claimed to be looking after the panguitch interests that I 1 had arranged a sale ind shipment for jan 2 ind that I 1 should like a representative to 0 be there I 1 have hae since learned that dr dark clark notified his people thomas haico haco k was sent down to look colic after the deal aL according cording to my own suggestion he did not at any time act in his official capacity and wh whatever ateer dealings we made wele all my suggestions and not his according to his own statement those people received their dues in full without i a cent of expense on their part it is true that both mr haycock continued on fourth page CATTLE WERE NOT SEIZED continued from first page ai aid d myself went ent to salt lake with pirt part of tle tl 11 e cattle I 1 suggested that he go up also mr haycocks jaycocks Hay cocks busi beai ne while in ili salt lake was also to contract for the ool growers of pan duitch the clip of 1903 in ili thia thi he wab anva successful in connection with this matter there iq 11 only one point upon which a jut just person can in the dealt me I 1 have hae reference to checking out the amount I 1 did m without being at al absolute solute IN I 1 po atje that my illy had bein abeln flicek 1 I lied to my credit in dut due tire tir e but even in ili this matter I 1 fed fea tint frit I 1 ha giai c onla on dot doi e as m n of our catiz citizen he aftin dop dore e the 1 I and tile the gob iper mut dh iab rut in their work of f Or leor destruction it is les thin one beir i ago that a prominent cattle buyer bujor of cratit g in ili our section had the misfortune to ilane have for clellal thou sard ird collais du to in sufficient aundt ind mi rn misfortune was ri in as short hurt a time a his but still the hn knocker ocker has thought to minimize his and magnify magnati mine bringing Bri nying my dicolli r i diun tiun to earlier dates in ili m ari bubl bubi career carcer I 1 c L ill to mind the cheel chads a marked not nt furda from a rumber cf our hono able citizens in sevier county but this liaa has been forgotten for Rotten arid and faded by the magnificent cast and bw allowed by the big present As a c citizen altizen of sivier si vier county will state in my own behalf that I 1 have never been a gossiper gosa iper or a knocker looking after my own business and not proclaiming it from the tree topa my aim has been to build up our counti and riot not to tear it or her citizens down into the mire I 1 th think thank ank sou mr editor for dour our desire in correcting an in our fur colum i and for further inform suggest that iou ou consi consider dir the article published in the inter mountain republic in to which I 1 have hae referred aou ou and on aich sheriff hadcock li is x i ours truly DAN HANSON the irti article cle in the inter mountain mount nn lin republic liin in qt stitt thit sheriff cock was mas with mith mr hinsen in the shipment of the c eittle ittle at the lat latter 3 just as mr hinson states in his hi letter this alices the mitter in in entire I 1 different dif Terent halit than the stories stones in hers tillit til lit in tile linn tien ti t en cn acol dind a cough let it run on get pneumonia i or consumption all no n atter how iou 3 ou ret get our cough couch dont neglect it take ballards horehound syrup and boull be oner it in no time the sur sure e cure for coughs colds bronchitis and all pulmonary diseases dis ases Lases in oung boung and old |